Wednesday, August 24, 2011


I couldn't decide on anything new to watch, so I gave old Howard the Duck a whirl last night on Netflix. I probably haven't seen that since it came out back in 1986. It has always stayed in the fond childhood movie memories section… until last night.

This movie really isn't very good. Poor acting, stupid jokes… lameness all around. I tried to like it because I'm a sucker for odd and random. But George Lucas really didn't know where to take this movie. It was dumbed down and humored like a kids flick but it had some odd adult themes and scenes. Take for instance when Howard is being pulled to our plant. He crashes through the apartment of a topless duck girl. Feathered boobies with human-esque nipples is a little bit disturbing. Another squirm inducing scene is the one where Lea Thompson is "semi-jokingly" trying to seduce Howard. It's great getting to see Lea in panties but not while she's rubbing on a talking bird. Throughout the rest of the flick, the two make dating innuendos back and forth. So what happens after it's all said and done? If you finished the movie you'd find out that Howard ends up sating on our planet. Sorry for the ending spoiler but you're not missing much if you missed this movie. My question is, do they hook up? Does he use the duck condom that she found in his wallet? George, your bestiality fetish is starting to show.

Anyways, Howard the Duck fails but I still have a crush on Lea Thompson.

The end

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