Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Lately I have been working on finding easy ways to cut Nicky and I's frivolous and unnecessary expenditures from our budget. I started buying food that we regularly use in bulk like dry beans and rice. We dropped excesses fees from our cell phone plans. We nit picked our insurance. But I felt like I personally could do more. I decided that to throw in my own bit of instant savings I would hack at my drinking budget.

Now to be clear, I will never ever give up drinking. If prohibition were to come back in full force, I would be fighting for the side of the bootleggers without a second thought. So instead of suffering by cutting back on my consumption level of sweet devils water, I found a compromise. I decided to not buy the pricier brews that I love so much like Shiner or Sam Adams. Instead, I'll just buy good ole' Pabpt's Blue Ribbon. Now before you start making the bitter beer face, let me explain why. It's American and not part of the big three money hungry beer conglomerates. Plus, I think it's slightly tastier than Bud, Coors and Miller anyways. It's also cheaper than those other turds anyways. On average, PBR costs roughly seventy cents per can as opposed to Sam Adams sitting at around a dollar thirty three per bottle. I can get twice as much beer for the same price?!

Take that recession.

I also told Nicky that when I feel like getting retarded drunk, I'll just go back to drink forty ounces of malt liquor. They're definitely not the greatest alcoholic beverages but when a nickel is not worth what it used to be, ghetto rules take over. As an added perk, it makes me feel kind of gangsta. Dat shitz iz mad cheap yo!

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