Saturday, February 9, 2013


I recently did the CD and poster artwork for Shindigs and Shenanigans, the newest mix tape by Wichita based hip hop artist Manish Law. Law namely wanted the style to be heavily circus/freak show influenced but also involve acts of drinking, partying and random chaos, otherwise known as shenanigans! That was something that I had zero problems coming up with and creating. There's usually a freak show dancing around inside my head on a regular basis anyways. The first image is the CD cover and the second is... well you guessed it, the poster!

The poster uses more realistic images and the CD has a heavier illustration look to it. I really wanted them to have the same feel and use a lot of the same images as continuity is a must for an albums associated art. So for the viewers (that would be you) it's a game of which image is not like the other. For instance, the clown head is front and center for both but one is a cyclops and one is not. Technically since the two eyed clown has a squid arm coming out of one eye, he might be considered a cyclops now too but you catch my drift. It's fairly obvious but I figured giving away the easy difference might spur you on to take a closer and more in-depth look. There are actually quite a few different images slipped in there that have hidden meanings. See if you can find the Kansas reference in the poster, I dare you.

On that note, I am especially proud of the poster and how it came together. I always find it fun researching and digging up weird images for projects such as this. There are old medical diagrams, Taiwanese public heath posters, creepy old newspaper advertisements and even nursery rhyme images all mingling together with monkeys, clowns, floozies and liquor. That's a party I would kill to go to. This was definitely a project that I could sink my twisted teeth into.

CD Cover


Check out Manish Law and help support the music and art scene!

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