OK, I admit it. I have some deep seeded video game nerd tendencies within me. I don't play as often as I did in my youth but I still visit my old electronic life waster on occasion. One of my favorite games of all time was Fallout 3. I never played any of the predecessors but I will never miss any from here on out. Running around in a post apocalyptic DC wasteland where you can do whatever the hell you want? Blasting morons and zombies in the face with a multitude of weapons? Decked out like Mad Max?
Sign me up! I guess this lunch box came with some special edition of the game. That's not how I got this baby. I found it hidden amidst other random crap in a thrift store knickknack area. I bet most people wouldn't even know what the hell Vault-Tec is. Just so you know, it was the company in the game that created all the nuclear fallout shelters. You would find these lunch boxes strewn about the wasteland. They were pretty much worthless in the game but I sure do love mine.
IIRC, the lunchboxes were a component in the Bottlecap Mine (or some other explosive device) - if so, it made one hell of a *boom*, much more so than the typical frag mines you could disarm and redistribute yourself. Also, I think you could arm them, then toss 'em like grenades (don't quote me on that, though...it's been awhile since I visited the Capital Wasteland), which was really cool, since they had a huge blast radius and did better damage than real grenades. Er, except for the Nuka Cola Grenade, which was...blue. And very, very damaging.