Wednesday, May 25, 2011


My brother shoots me a text a few weeks ago demanding that I go check out the Warrior Dash website. I give it a read and I find out that it's for this extreme run with an obstacle course built in. They are held all over the country and one of which is being set up in Kansas City. Here are the specs:
  • 3.10 miles of rugged terrain
  • Wooden barricades
  • Pitch black trenches
  • Cargo nets and other tangled rope items
  • Cliff rappelling
  • Giant hay bales
  • Junk yard obstacles
  • A stream and a swamp we have to run through
  • Leap over hot fire
  • Trudge through mud and barbed wire
Now that sounds intense. I respond back that I think it looks cool. His reply is that he has already signed up for the dash in July. Oh no he didn't! If my little brother is doing something cool like this, you better believe my ass can and will too. So I pay my entry fee and sign up.

That's when the fat kid inside me started screaming. There is no way I could handle this thing without some pre-training. I haven't ran in years and I've let my work out regiment slip into the nonexistent realm. So the day after I signed up I began running. I have been running ever since and starting next week I'm going to start working in some obstacles. This dash isn't going to be easy with so little time to prepare. I have a lot of work to do to repair the damage that all those doughnuts and pints of beer did to my system.

Why am I doing this? It's good for me and I don't want to devolve into a blob in my old age. Mostly though, I like to know where I stand just in case the shit ever did hit the fan. If zombies rise up to consume our faces, I want to be able to survive and thrive. Can you think of a better reason?

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