Thursday, September 16, 2010


Today I present for your Random Object Thursday viewing pleasure, my glorious cow statue. He was given to me as part of a get well package when I was seriously hospitalized two years ago. The senders being my old employer and ever loving friends at Corporate Express. I love you guys!

Cow now proudly resides atop my Mac. There he can prominently display his snub at those that would consume him and his kind with the statement "eat me" scrawled on his side. Thus making him a constant reminder of my vow to never consume another living creature and that cows will one day rise up and conquer us all. Oh yes, it will happen.

1 comment:

  1. Ok Buddy, if you have vowed to never eat another living thing- then stop eating plants and consuming their tasty beer products, et al...and don't even get me started on that subject...come for a ride/drive in the sidecar, and a nice fireside chat in late Oct. down Pungo way.


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