Thursday, July 19, 2012


This video/song is my newest obsession. Simple, classy, artsy, dope as hell and all set to an epic song in dramatic fashion. I can't stop watching this video, especially on my fat ass HD TV. It looks absolutely gorgeous. Plus my son and daughter are completely enamored with it too. They turn into steely gazed zombie when they see and hear that first flag flapping in the wind.

I would totally put this song in my movie... if I ever get randomly funded to make one that is. I would use it for when the hero takes his first defeat  or maybe even dies. The tears would flow, the drama would be high and the guts would be wrenched. But he would show that even if you can't win, you must always stand your ground and spit in the face of your fears. Oh it would be glorious.

Anyways, check it out and enjoy!

Thursday, July 5, 2012


Random explosions, screeching missiles, roman candle wars, burned finger tips, brilliant fire cascades, singed hair, smoke drifting about and screams of joy all in the name of our independence.

High five Fourth of July, high five.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012


After keeping an ever vigilant watch, fighting off hordes of birds and plenty of hard work and lovin', my very first batch of homegrown grapes was ready today. So Alex and I hit the vines and snagged about a little over a third of what was ripe enough to pick. We ended up with what looks like about 2 pounds of grapes! I separated, washed and froze them until I get the entire years harvest. Then... it's wine makin' time.

What an awesome fourth of July bonus!

Sunday, July 1, 2012


Just a quick thought but, one of the best things ever has got to be getting to snuggle and snooze with your kids.

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