Saturday, January 18, 2014


We just lost Net Neutrality and that super-duper sucks. What is Net Neutrality you say? Watch this short and easy to understand video.... then I can do my little rant.


Now keep in mind, nothing will change for consumers this very second, but it will. This is only the beginning too. More regulations will follow now that this big one got through.

The Problems:
  1. Everyone gets their Internet from an Internet Service Provider. With net neutrality gone, ISP's can discriminate, favoring their business partners while delaying or blocking websites they don't like. So if AT&T, Cox or some other ISP gets in a pissing match with let's say Facebook or Twitter, they can block it no questions asked.
  2. ISP's can charge fat fees to websites that want quick content delivery. This means those long load times will go to poorer sites that can't pay up. No more free websites or indie sites which means even more hardships for small business.
  3. An ISP could slow or block all peer-to-peer file sharing, or all online video streaming. So Netflix watchers and BitTorrent users might want to beware. No more cheap (let alone free) video and file streaming. If netflix has to pay more for big bandwidth, then so will you.
  4. ISP's will be able to make even more money off their existing customer base. They won't need to improve service or bring broadband to rural areas because they'll be able to keep growing (financially, at least) by charging content providers more for faster delivery and charging customers more for faster access. In all likelihood, this ruling means the problems with America's slow internet will only get worse.
The Internet was designed as an open medium, not to be regulated so fat cat companies can hog bandwidth and charge us commoners an arm and a leg to not have archaic speeds. They have enough damn money. When the net is not free, we will lose the biggest tool to educate and to help keep freedom and truth alive.

Mad yet? I sure hope so damn it. There is still hope so use that motivation! The FCC could reinstate Net Neutrality right now. The Save The Internet site below has all of the info that you need to understand this debate and how to take action.

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