Wednesday, August 29, 2012


I was asked in one of my college classes what I thought a quality graphic designer is and what they do. Since I do consider that to be one of my main artistic functions, I thought I should give it a serious response. Let me try to relay my point of view.

Our world is slathered with advertising as far as the eye can see. It infects every part of our daily lives, from the food we eat to the clothes on our backs. It is almost impossible to step in or out of our homes without seeing something tainted by a design. As disheartening as that might seem, take solace in knowing that there are talented graphic designers at the helm. Not all of them are worthy of course, but that can be found with any profession. The most savvy of these creative knights constantly battle with normalcy and banality. Their weapons are computers and tablets, sketchpads and pencils, all wielded by unbridled minds. Graphic designers are hybrids between artists and businessmen, held together by pure creativity and raw problem solving skills. So instead of seeing our culture as polluted by design, perceive it as a world made more interesting by art.

To some, graphics artists seem like sell outs, peddling their creative minds and artistic talents to anyone with a wad of cash. But instead of seeing them as imaginative whores, they should be revered as champions for modern art. They took a lifestyle that was synonymous with the odd who were always struggling to scrap together a living and adapted them into respected professionals that can make a steady and decent living. As a result, they are now heeded as creative authorities. Their talents are in high demand and their skills can now be honed in esteemed colleges across the globe. This essentially means that fresh minds are marching into society on a yearly basis, bringing new concepts and brightening our communities with visual refinement. Thus if I were asked what a good graphic designer does, I would declare with fervor that they make every inch of our world beautiful and do so with dignity and respect.

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