Monday, July 8, 2013


This summer I decided to take a letterpress class. For those that aren't quite sure what that is, it's the old school way of printing things like they used to do for newspapers and what not. Think ole Gutenberg... got it? So anyways, I've gotten to play with both lead and wooden type. One of our assignments was to take an odd speech/grammar term from the English language and define it using one of the above mentioned presses. The word I chose was:
Strings of sound that can be carved into words in two different ways. 
Ex: Four Candles / Fork Handles or Tulips / Two Lips
Bet you didn't know that! I sure didn't before this assignment. I went with an example everyone is familiar with but probably didn't realize what they were saying; I Scream and Ice Cream. I tweaked it a bit and went with Eye Scream/Ice Cream instead because you know I love to make everything a bit odd and macabre. We didn't have to do an image but I am so in love with screen printing right now that I decided to incorporate it. So I drew up a little cutesy cartoon, screened it on 30 sheets of paper and then did all the type on an old letterpress. Here's the final version:

Eye Scream Ice Cream - Final Print
Final Print
Eye Scream Ice Cream - Letters
The orange letters were letters carved from wood as you
can see at the top center of this shot and the little text in
the poster is made from lead.
Eye Scream Ice Cream - Press
Running the press.
Eye Scream Ice Cream - Type Close
Close up shot of the lead and wooden type.

As an added benefit, I silkscreened my son a tank top. Just one of the perks of having artsy fartsy parents I suppose.

Eye Scream Ice Cream - Tank Top

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