Monday, July 15, 2013


I just went through my entire site and updated all the different sections with image slideshow feeds that are linked directly to my Flickr account. This means that I can post new work to Flickr and it will automatically show up in it's proper place on This speeds up the update process by a thousand fold. So now I have no excuse as to why my new stuff isn't be up for viewing, other than laziness or random chaotic life events like zombie gopher attacks.

So with these new image viewers kicking ass, I have gone through and uploaded tons of images in just about every category on my site. Some of the work is a little older since I haven't posted much in a long time, but still new to the site none the less. Plus I added two new pages to check out new art in, Design and Printmaking. Design will contain everything from CD layout work to packaging. You'll find a lot of commission work in there. The Printmaking section will contain anything I've screen printed, block printed or ran through a letterpress. Each section is still being updated with my most current work so stay tuned for lots more updates in the next couple of weeks.

Let me know if you have any suggestions or issues with the new image viewers and layout. I'm hoping this will make the process of updating my site with new work much faster and easier. This should free up even more time for me to actually create instead of pull my hair out for hours rewriting and figuring out code. I really do hate coding.

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