Tuesday, July 5, 2011


This is pretty nasty but I felt like sharing. I accidentally pulled the rubber piece off of my left ear bud last Friday and I what I saw nearly made me vomit. Caked underneath was a delicious coating of earwax. All the nooks, crevasses and crannies were filled with years worth of ear secretion. If my love of music and necessity to listen to tunes at work had been any less sound, I would have pitched them in the trash immediately. Instead I scrubbed, scrapped and disinfected them to a degree that any germaphobe would have approved of.

I'm a very well-kept individual and I thoroughly clean my ears. I also keep my toys clean. But under the rubber ear protector is a place that never really popped into my head to remove and sterilize. Obviously extremely minute particles of stray wax are bound to build up over a long period of time under there. Now I am the wiser and it made me start inspecting all my daily used objects for gaps filled with ick.

Really there are only two paths you can follow now. Clean your headphones or you can go with the ostrich theory and never peek under that comfortable outer seal. If you keep your head in the sand and don't look, it doesn't exist... right? Right!?


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