Tuesday, January 11, 2011


I voice my opinion (as I think everyone should) but I try not to get too preachy and jam it down anyones throat. I rant on here as a healthy means of getting my turmoiltious inner monologue out but it's not meant to bust anyones chops. I do my best to make sure my belief of spreading love is laced throughout all that I write, no matter how pissy I am on a topic.

That being said, those Westboro Baptist Church bungholes really piss me off. They picket the funerals of fallen soldiers, murdered gays, AIDs victims and even freaking Mr. Rodgers and Martin Luther King's widow, Coretta Scott. Now they want to picket the funeral of Christina Taylor Green, the nine year girl that was killed in the recent congresswoman Gifford's shooting. Why? Not because she did a damn thing wrong but because her parents raised her Catholic. Seriously?! I can't even imagine what the parents are going through but they definitely don't need any more grief.

I was happy to read that the Tucson community, where the little girl was from, is pulling together in her families support and in reaction to the coming protest. Though not in an anti-protest against Westboro but as a shield against them. People will don large angel wings and stand silently between the mourners and the scornful zealots. If some misguided people are using their rights to voice malice then it's good to see others are using them to spread love and support.

None of the people the WBC protest need any more suffering. Those they picket are decreased. They have paid the ultimate price and if you believe in a higher power, have gone before their respective maker(s) to be judged. That should be the end of it. Somehow I don't think a worthwhile god would give kudos to a hate monger of any breed.

On a side note, I hope people who read about the Westboro nuts and see that they are based out of Kansas don't write off all the sunflower states children as a whole. Not everyone from here is close-minded, dimwitted and callous. Just take a look at me!

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