Monday, October 10, 2011


Every time I pick up a food product at a grocery store, be it processed or raw, I make it stand up to my edible requirements checklist.
  • Are there animal products in it?
  • Is it organic?
  • Is it natural or a large portion?
  • Is it made in the USA?
  • Is it locally grown?
  • Is it affordable/cost efficient?
  • Does it sound yummy?
That might sound pretty picky, painful and expensive but it's really not that bad. I don't always strictly adhere to this list either with every bit of food I consume, save for the animals products bit. That's my personal educated choice to be a veggiesaurus. But other than that, the rest should be standards that we all look for.

We are what we eat so why not take time to choose wisely. We are no long hunters or gatherers but solely consumers. If that's our only role in life then why not consume smartly? Organics are better for the environment. Naturals are healthier for our bodies. Made in the USA supports our countries economy. Locally harvested supports your city, small businesses and your neighborhood farmer. To me, once you weigh all the upsides it almost seems like no choice at all.

We have the choice to pick things that are better for our world and bodies yet we chose substandard items to save a couple cents. We have the power of our dollar and the corporations are after it. So if we demand higher standards they will have to submit or lose money. Don't be lazy, read those labels.
"We must be the change we want to see in the world."
-Mahatma Gandhi

1 comment:

  1. Just stop eating and the problem goes away! For you and us!


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