Tuesday, December 21, 2010


I don't understand homophobes. Why are you so afraid of someone just because of who they are physically attracted to. It's not like they are malevolent people trying to seduce straights into gay-dom. Even if you are hit on by the same sex, shouldn't it feel good that someone finds your smelly ass attractive? Are you really that scared, insecure or frustrated sexually that you're actually offended? I definitely know a lot more devious, dirty and worthless straights per capita. To be honest, I inherently trust gays more than straights because at least they are open to counter culture. They are typically more open minded, free thinking and not stuck in the stone age.

Mostly, it's the really pious that do the majority of the judging. I'm not pissing on anyone's religious beliefs so don't get all butt hurt on me after reading this. Like I always say, to each their own, so believe in what you want. But why make anyone suffer? Aren't most religions supposed to be about caring, compassion and forgiveness? Doesn't "god" who supposedly created us all, love all his children? Even if your religion is one that prays to a condemning and vengeful lord, it's still not up to you to damn people. You're not the boss and never will be. This country was partly founded because we were sick of religious repression. Let's just stick to that okay?

Then you have this don't ask don't tell crap in the military. I know a lot of homosexual service men and women and none are any less willing to fight and die for their country than straights. It's stamped into military brains repeatedly to have pride and integrity yet we ask them to lie, conceal and be ashamed of their sexuality? If bullets were buzzing over my head I wouldn't give two shits if the person next to me had a same sex lover a million miles from there. You are both staving off death. Neither of you is any less dependable.

What really ticks me off though is they even have laws in certain states that make it OK for companies to fire you for being gay. Are you freaking' serious!? Now they're getting it from all fronts! Work, religion, government... I just can't believe that we are still a country full of so many moronic bigots. We promote free thought and expression but if you're gay you shouldn't be allowed to work, defend America or pray?

On the flip side, high five to New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Iowa, Vermont, and Washington, DC. for allowing them to legally marry. If gays want to slip on the shackles of marriage, be my guest! You would think the government would push for the legally joining of two people of the same sex. That's more money for the courts from marriages and divorces and all the other nonsense that comes with exchanging or breaking vows.

Let people be. Stop wasting your life with hate and bigotry and focus on the happiness of your own life. None of us make it out of this alive so spend your time reveling in love.

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