So I know I started this on the 31st of July this year but I reckon I will do a year in review anyways.
Let's see... well there have been 67 posts including this one so far. There have been 22 random objects shot and mildly explained including a hand grenade, The Hobbit and a penis mold. I've ranted 18 times some of which were about dirty toilets, slavery, not being a dick and my petty dislike for bows. There have been 13 video posts showing everything from Bioshock 3 to The Prodigy. I also just realized I blogged about Tron Legacy related topics 3 freaking times!? Oh man... sorry about that. What can I say, I was excited!
My main point is that I am extremely glad I started this blog. It let's me vent, release even more of my demons in a healthy way and is yet another creative outlet. In the process it gives you readers something to giggle, scream or get up in arms about. I appreciate all of you who keep coming back for more of my silly ramblings and who actually find it interesting to know more about the arbitrary artist who is lastdeviant. Keep spreading the word and I hope 2011 will rock way harder than 2010 did, for all of us.
Much love, friends.
Friday, December 31, 2010
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Everyone should carry a knife on them. I feel like I'm missing an essential piece of me when I forget my blade. Think of all the uses!?
Caught in your seat belt in a car accident? Slice! Need to rend the meal you just caught? Hack! Can't open your pack of bubble gum? Slash! The Joker got you backed into a corner and the end is in sight? Stab!
I think you see my point. Get it... point!?
Never mind.
This one is a ten dollar piece of crap I got online but it still does the job.
Caught in your seat belt in a car accident? Slice! Need to rend the meal you just caught? Hack! Can't open your pack of bubble gum? Slash! The Joker got you backed into a corner and the end is in sight? Stab!
I think you see my point. Get it... point!?
Never mind.
This one is a ten dollar piece of crap I got online but it still does the job.

Monday, December 27, 2010
I have officially watched Tron Legacy on the worlds largest IMAX 3D screen two times now. Thus, I think it's time to give my final thoughts about this flick that I was salivating over for such a long time. I will be productive so as I bitch about something I will give my suggestion on how I would have fixed it if I were involved in the making of this movie. I know this is a bit of a lengthy post but if you give two shits about Tron, it's worth the read. Also, please comment and let me know how you feel!
Jarvis - Lead Evil Lackey
Parting Thoughts
I suppose my biggest issues were that there wasn't enough user power exploitation, the ending kind of fizzled and that the plot needed to stay focused. They didn't need much of a script other than prodigal child goes in to save lost father, so just stick to that. It was a bit long and needed to keep the pace up. There were also too many trivial and unneeded characters. Like why show the son of the bad guy from the first Tron, Dillinger, if you aren't going to use him? Want to know what else I would have liked to have seen? Maybe make the Flynn's have to team up to defeat someone or something in some amazing user power combo thingy. Like a Captain Planet/Voltron/Power Ranger "our powers combined" kind of shtick. Have them team up to keep a whole building together like Kevin did to the rectifier vehicle in the first movie. Get Flynn to fight Flynn either completely unknowingly or because they must to defeat CLU somehow. I could go on and on. Regardless, the script could have been better that's for sure.
As I keep saying to everyone who asks how it was, you go see this movie not to have your brain rebooted like Inception but to bask in the visual and audio glory. The cycle races, disc wars and jet scenes were breathtakingly gorgeous and simply outstanding. The sets, costumes and effects were seriously on point. The Daft Punk soundtrack, which of course I own, was absolutely stellar and fit like a glove. The acting and lines weren't too vomit inducing and of course Jeff Bridges was funny and did quite well. I'm also glad they didn't try to squeeze some half ass attempt at a love story in there. So even with the above flaws and a few others that I won't get into, I recommend you go see this movie in 3D and pay the projector guy to kick the sound up a notch or two. It's worth it.
Stars: ★★★★☆
Jarvis - Lead Evil Lackey
- Problems:
The weaselly second hand man of CLU, Jarvis was a freaking turd and a half and had absolutely no purpose. As my friend Ben so eloquently put it, he was like how Starscream was to Megatron back in the old Transformer cartoon days and was just about as useful. I didn't like his stupid, bald, rat-like head or that clear screen thing he had attached to it either. - Solution:
Delete his ass from the script or make him cool and have a unique power. If there is to be a second/third hand man it should be someone solid and hardcore. The bad guys need to seem like an insurmountable force and the higher the rank of evil, the meaner that mofo needs to be. He should be a mini-boss like Darth Maul/Vader was to The Emperor or how Goro was to Shao Kahn. His battle should be a hell of duel but not as epic as the big man himself. And that was what Tron/Rinzler (I'll get to him in a second) was supposed to be so they didn't even really need to muddle things with this rodent. But see my Kevin Flynn solution for another cool way to use this guy.
- Problems:
The trafficker of information and programs/night club owner, Castor, was pointless, wasted precious attention span time and detracted from the plot. He didn't fit the whole feel of the Grid at all. His overly flamboyant character felt really out of place and too forced. I know they "needed" someone to draw out Sam Flynn thereby forcing out Kevin Flynn but they could have done better than this weak character. - Solution:
Remove this guy completely (best choice) or make him more calm and collected, not wanna-be gay/Ziggy Stardust. I love gays more than most but you don't have to force one in to fit your politically correct quota. This guy was pretty much the cheesy and unfunny brother of The Merovingian from The Matrix: Reloaded and Revolutions. Ditch him.
- Problems:
They were almost perfect with Tron's character. He was cool to watch, never spoke and did some amazing fighting. I wanted to see a bad ass fight with this guy at the finale not just sinking away to the bottom of the ocean. I did like how he "remembered" that he fought for the user but it was dumb how he did. It just randomly happened in mid battle. Um… seriously? - Solution:
Reset or reprogram him like they did with the one random guard Kevin bonked stupidly (*sigh*) on the head. Here's my alternate ending. In the end battle scene on the catwalk before the beam home, make Sam fight Tron. Then as Sam is finally beaten, knocked down and about to be dispatched, he puts his user powers to the test and blasts out the evil reprogramming of CLU. Then Tron changes to the side of good again and steps up to CLU for the most epic program battle of all time. Make them go toe to toe but eventually Tron gets killed or knocked off the bridge to oblivion by trickery or just plain old fashioned overpowering. The skirmish is so intense though that CLU is made really weak. Then Kevin Flynn could just walk up and finally absorb him. Kevin could still die since it's the only way to totally erase CLU and reset the grid. Shed some tears for dad, rejoice that things are golden again and jump into the slipstream with your hot new cyber girl toy. Hooray!
- Problem:
I like most of what this boy not-so wonder had to offer save for a couple things. He didn't show off any "user" skills like his father did back in this movies predecessor and he didn't get a chance to evolve, grow into his powers or even shine. He thought outside of the box like a user would by escaping the games but big whoop. There was one scene of him about to kick ass when he was headed to rescue his fathers disc and Quorra but they cut away and showed peoples parts exploding as Jarvis nervously watched through a door. Lame. - Solution:
Make him have a pretty good final fight against Tron like I mentioned in the Rinzler/Tron solution above. Maybe make him pump some user juice into his light bike to get the edge in the games. Give him more growing room. I want to see some upgrading. Maybe even let him upgrade himself, again via user bonuses, to be tougher than his dad in some areas. Not all though, because poppa Flynn needs to be always rockin'.
- Problem:
This character only has a few edges to polish. As above, I want more user powers. In the first Tron he can rebuild ships and divert energy beams and what not. All he did in this one was turn off the lights at the club and evetually absorb CLU. His appearance at the disco hall in that ultra dope robe was goose bump material but he didn't lay the smack down at all. I did really like how he sucked in CLU at the end but I wanted more than that. That was the perfect stage for an unforgettable fight scene. I mean you're working the digital realm… run with it and finish strong! - Solution:
Use the force, dude. Build something useful. Destroy something on the evil side that's valuable in grandiose fashion. Maybe have a scene where he fights but more of in a defensive and wise "I am the master" kind of way. So maybe during the club scene a cooler version of Jarvis steps up to the plate. Jarvis uses his unique skill that he's been boasting about and possible used on a lesser good guy (sonic boom, ultra ninja sword skills, hyper speed, super fast regeneration, etc.) to best Sam. Daddy then intervenes and defeats him in a way only the original Tron gangsta can. Or maybe make there be just too many bad guys against Sam and Quorra and pops busts out "the user force" to derezze them all somehow. Hell, I can think of a thousand ways to make his persona killer.
Parting Thoughts
I suppose my biggest issues were that there wasn't enough user power exploitation, the ending kind of fizzled and that the plot needed to stay focused. They didn't need much of a script other than prodigal child goes in to save lost father, so just stick to that. It was a bit long and needed to keep the pace up. There were also too many trivial and unneeded characters. Like why show the son of the bad guy from the first Tron, Dillinger, if you aren't going to use him? Want to know what else I would have liked to have seen? Maybe make the Flynn's have to team up to defeat someone or something in some amazing user power combo thingy. Like a Captain Planet/Voltron/Power Ranger "our powers combined" kind of shtick. Have them team up to keep a whole building together like Kevin did to the rectifier vehicle in the first movie. Get Flynn to fight Flynn either completely unknowingly or because they must to defeat CLU somehow. I could go on and on. Regardless, the script could have been better that's for sure.
As I keep saying to everyone who asks how it was, you go see this movie not to have your brain rebooted like Inception but to bask in the visual and audio glory. The cycle races, disc wars and jet scenes were breathtakingly gorgeous and simply outstanding. The sets, costumes and effects were seriously on point. The Daft Punk soundtrack, which of course I own, was absolutely stellar and fit like a glove. The acting and lines weren't too vomit inducing and of course Jeff Bridges was funny and did quite well. I'm also glad they didn't try to squeeze some half ass attempt at a love story in there. So even with the above flaws and a few others that I won't get into, I recommend you go see this movie in 3D and pay the projector guy to kick the sound up a notch or two. It's worth it.
Stars: ★★★★☆
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Nicky and I got this can of beans from her mother in one of her random goody packages she likes to send. If you read the label you'll notice it says that it's distributed by the USDA. These are Uncle Sam's vegetarian beans! Now her mother doesn't get government assistance so I have no idea where in the heck she got these. How's that for random?

P.s. For those that pay attention, sorry for not posting on Thursday. I got all wrapped up in my daughter coming over and my old friend Ben and his Wife Megan coming to town. But I went ahead and dated this post for Thursday anyways.

P.s. For those that pay attention, sorry for not posting on Thursday. I got all wrapped up in my daughter coming over and my old friend Ben and his Wife Megan coming to town. But I went ahead and dated this post for Thursday anyways.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
I don't understand homophobes. Why are you so afraid of someone just because of who they are physically attracted to. It's not like they are malevolent people trying to seduce straights into gay-dom. Even if you are hit on by the same sex, shouldn't it feel good that someone finds your smelly ass attractive? Are you really that scared, insecure or frustrated sexually that you're actually offended? I definitely know a lot more devious, dirty and worthless straights per capita. To be honest, I inherently trust gays more than straights because at least they are open to counter culture. They are typically more open minded, free thinking and not stuck in the stone age.
Mostly, it's the really pious that do the majority of the judging. I'm not pissing on anyone's religious beliefs so don't get all butt hurt on me after reading this. Like I always say, to each their own, so believe in what you want. But why make anyone suffer? Aren't most religions supposed to be about caring, compassion and forgiveness? Doesn't "god" who supposedly created us all, love all his children? Even if your religion is one that prays to a condemning and vengeful lord, it's still not up to you to damn people. You're not the boss and never will be. This country was partly founded because we were sick of religious repression. Let's just stick to that okay?
Then you have this don't ask don't tell crap in the military. I know a lot of homosexual service men and women and none are any less willing to fight and die for their country than straights. It's stamped into military brains repeatedly to have pride and integrity yet we ask them to lie, conceal and be ashamed of their sexuality? If bullets were buzzing over my head I wouldn't give two shits if the person next to me had a same sex lover a million miles from there. You are both staving off death. Neither of you is any less dependable.
What really ticks me off though is they even have laws in certain states that make it OK for companies to fire you for being gay. Are you freaking' serious!? Now they're getting it from all fronts! Work, religion, government... I just can't believe that we are still a country full of so many moronic bigots. We promote free thought and expression but if you're gay you shouldn't be allowed to work, defend America or pray?
On the flip side, high five to New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Iowa, Vermont, and Washington, DC. for allowing them to legally marry. If gays want to slip on the shackles of marriage, be my guest! You would think the government would push for the legally joining of two people of the same sex. That's more money for the courts from marriages and divorces and all the other nonsense that comes with exchanging or breaking vows.
Let people be. Stop wasting your life with hate and bigotry and focus on the happiness of your own life. None of us make it out of this alive so spend your time reveling in love.
Mostly, it's the really pious that do the majority of the judging. I'm not pissing on anyone's religious beliefs so don't get all butt hurt on me after reading this. Like I always say, to each their own, so believe in what you want. But why make anyone suffer? Aren't most religions supposed to be about caring, compassion and forgiveness? Doesn't "god" who supposedly created us all, love all his children? Even if your religion is one that prays to a condemning and vengeful lord, it's still not up to you to damn people. You're not the boss and never will be. This country was partly founded because we were sick of religious repression. Let's just stick to that okay?
Then you have this don't ask don't tell crap in the military. I know a lot of homosexual service men and women and none are any less willing to fight and die for their country than straights. It's stamped into military brains repeatedly to have pride and integrity yet we ask them to lie, conceal and be ashamed of their sexuality? If bullets were buzzing over my head I wouldn't give two shits if the person next to me had a same sex lover a million miles from there. You are both staving off death. Neither of you is any less dependable.
What really ticks me off though is they even have laws in certain states that make it OK for companies to fire you for being gay. Are you freaking' serious!? Now they're getting it from all fronts! Work, religion, government... I just can't believe that we are still a country full of so many moronic bigots. We promote free thought and expression but if you're gay you shouldn't be allowed to work, defend America or pray?
On the flip side, high five to New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Iowa, Vermont, and Washington, DC. for allowing them to legally marry. If gays want to slip on the shackles of marriage, be my guest! You would think the government would push for the legally joining of two people of the same sex. That's more money for the courts from marriages and divorces and all the other nonsense that comes with exchanging or breaking vows.
Let people be. Stop wasting your life with hate and bigotry and focus on the happiness of your own life. None of us make it out of this alive so spend your time reveling in love.
Friday, December 17, 2010
So as you might have noticed I added some new artwork this week. I'll get to their story in just a moment. First let me plug the other updates I've done. I revamped this here blog so whether you see it here on or standing alone as it will shine in all it's dopeness. I also updated Nicky and I's blog Sunday Photo Funday and I got my ass in gear and signed up for Twitter. Man, it's been a busy freaking week. But it felt really good to do some creating and updating so I reckon there will be more to come soon. Now let me get into the details behind the new pics.
The first is a pic of the Hampton Roads Bridge Tunnel shot from the beach below. Nicky and I were wandering around (like we always do) playing in the sand. I actually snapped that baby with my Argus C3. Yes, you read right, I used 35mm. I definitely won't be giving up digital but I do have to admit that it was fun to play with and I like how the shots turned out. I'm sure more film shots will sneak there way in here from time to time.
Then we get to the Jeez-us pic. I actually shot the images for this piece an eternity ago. My good buddy Matt, who posed as the creepy Jeez-us in question, has been bugging me to finish this for months upon months. But I made a promise before I left for Kansas that I would finish it in time for Christmas this year just for him. He and I shot it out behind the Chrysler Art Museum in Norfolk Virginia. We spent that whole day after wards, Matt in full costume, walking around turning heads left and right. Oh the fun we had because frankly my dear, we just don't give a damn.
That makes me miss three things. The beach, Matt and Krampus.
The first is a pic of the Hampton Roads Bridge Tunnel shot from the beach below. Nicky and I were wandering around (like we always do) playing in the sand. I actually snapped that baby with my Argus C3. Yes, you read right, I used 35mm. I definitely won't be giving up digital but I do have to admit that it was fun to play with and I like how the shots turned out. I'm sure more film shots will sneak there way in here from time to time.
Then we get to the Jeez-us pic. I actually shot the images for this piece an eternity ago. My good buddy Matt, who posed as the creepy Jeez-us in question, has been bugging me to finish this for months upon months. But I made a promise before I left for Kansas that I would finish it in time for Christmas this year just for him. He and I shot it out behind the Chrysler Art Museum in Norfolk Virginia. We spent that whole day after wards, Matt in full costume, walking around turning heads left and right. Oh the fun we had because frankly my dear, we just don't give a damn.
That makes me miss three things. The beach, Matt and Krampus.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
My dear old friend Dennis Ruiz Morales, the Puerto Rican pimp, got me this shot glass while vacationing in the Bahamas. Though I am as white as a piece of rice, floating in a glass of milk, on a paper plate in a snow storm, I still have the last name of Garcia. So his nickname for me was the white Mexican. Thus when he sees something with a hispanic logo on it he just has to get it for me. This little piece of glass and I have seen many a shot of tequila and there will be countless more to come. I would say "Oh the memories we have shared" but I can't honestly remember some of them. Hooray for tequila!
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Chandrika Ayurvedic soap from India is the bomb and is perfect for this weeks Random Object Thursday. This little green bar makes my skin have a glorious aroma that lasts unlike most chemical and perfume ridden soaps. It has coconut, orange, wild ginger, lime peel, hydnocarpus and sandalwood oils all mixed in for the perfect scent. My skin doesn't get dried out either like after traditional cleansers. Best of all, it doesn't contain any animal products nor is it tested on animals, it's all from vegetables. Plus, it's only a dollar at most natural or organic grocery markets like Whole Foods or Organic Food Depot. It's the greatest soap on earth!
Now what about that name? Ayurveda is a word from Sanskrit that translates as the science of life. Ayurvedic spiritual masters believe that all living things are based on underlying energies and Ayurveda was developed to balance them and promote health. So scrubbing my prone, masculine, body with this lathery goodness must be the reason why I kick so much ass and have beaten death more times than I can count. That and I'm a ninja.
Now what about that name? Ayurveda is a word from Sanskrit that translates as the science of life. Ayurvedic spiritual masters believe that all living things are based on underlying energies and Ayurveda was developed to balance them and promote health. So scrubbing my prone, masculine, body with this lathery goodness must be the reason why I kick so much ass and have beaten death more times than I can count. That and I'm a ninja.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Monday I found out my coworker/friends fiancé had an aneurysm this weekend. Thus she was out that day so she could be there for him. Yesterday, she called me at home before work to explain why she won't be in again. He's in ICU with pneumonia and strep with fluid in his lungs and not doing well. When he conquers all that he will now also need open heart surgery because of a new blockage in his heart.
She is the one of the nicest girls you could meet (I haven't met him yet but he seems like a good guy) and it just breaks my heart. To make the issue even more soul crushing, they are childhood friends and are engaged to be married in a few months. I think when he first got put on a breathing tube is when it really struck home for me. It brings back old feelings of helplessness. When she called me I could barely keep from bursting into tears. Even now as I write this it's welling up. I can picture her sitting there next to him holding his hand with tears streaming down her cheeks, just as my loved ones did when I was nearly killed in 2008. Stuck in a hospital bed, wires and tubes everywhere, delirious and delusional from nonstop pain and buckets of medications, so helpless and afraid. Your family begging and pleading for just a little more time. The thought of being snuffed out while the love of your life is left to live with sorrow and regret is just too much. No one deserves that and it makes my heart hurt.
I'm not pitying myself but more thinking where is their justice? If a rat bastard like myself was saved then he better pull through, damn it. Anyways, take a second after reading this and send good thoughts Jen and Steven's way. And when you get home hug the hell out of your loved ones.
She is the one of the nicest girls you could meet (I haven't met him yet but he seems like a good guy) and it just breaks my heart. To make the issue even more soul crushing, they are childhood friends and are engaged to be married in a few months. I think when he first got put on a breathing tube is when it really struck home for me. It brings back old feelings of helplessness. When she called me I could barely keep from bursting into tears. Even now as I write this it's welling up. I can picture her sitting there next to him holding his hand with tears streaming down her cheeks, just as my loved ones did when I was nearly killed in 2008. Stuck in a hospital bed, wires and tubes everywhere, delirious and delusional from nonstop pain and buckets of medications, so helpless and afraid. Your family begging and pleading for just a little more time. The thought of being snuffed out while the love of your life is left to live with sorrow and regret is just too much. No one deserves that and it makes my heart hurt.
I'm not pitying myself but more thinking where is their justice? If a rat bastard like myself was saved then he better pull through, damn it. Anyways, take a second after reading this and send good thoughts Jen and Steven's way. And when you get home hug the hell out of your loved ones.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Internet filtering and blocking is fascism, plain and simple. I understand your employer hired you to do a job which you need to be doing while on the clock. On the other side of the coin, you are not a slave or a machine. Everyone needs breaks and a break is a break so let us spend it how we choose.
I think it's ridiculous to control what people look at online while at work. Obviously your albino midget porn probably isn't the best thing to view around your co-workers as their might be an easily offended cretin in your midst. But if your productivity is good and you're a hard worker then what's the big deal? All you're doing is making your employees resent you and cause interoffice tension. Fear and tyrannical control makes a person instinctively want to rebel and work just enough to keep you off their back. Praise and freedom instills a worker with company pride, loyalty and strengthens their work ethic.
Personally, I never take smoke breaks or any kind of typical break. I pretty much stay planted in front of my monitor all day minus refilling my coffee cup or making deposits in the bathroom. The closest thing I like to use as a break is a quick jump over to check my bank account, hurriedly see what new messages I have in Hotmail or check up briefly on Facebook. I used the words briefly, hurriedly and quick on purpose because I typically only "surf" for less than five minutes, tops. It breaks up the monotony of my day and keeps me semi-sane. You can only stare at a screen and do the same repetitive task for so long with out it wearing you down and burning you out. I could care less about smoking, so do as you please. But if you allow people to inhale cancer then why can't I have a moment of freedom online? Is your stance of promoting tobacco death more politically correct?
Companies should pride themselves on caring for their employees and treating them like the adults they are. People who don't want to work will always find a way to slack off with or without the web. Monitor an employees performance and judge them solely on that. Don't hate, appreciate.
Want to know more about the war on blocking and filtering?
Check out these links:
Should Your Employer Stop Blocking?
I think it's ridiculous to control what people look at online while at work. Obviously your albino midget porn probably isn't the best thing to view around your co-workers as their might be an easily offended cretin in your midst. But if your productivity is good and you're a hard worker then what's the big deal? All you're doing is making your employees resent you and cause interoffice tension. Fear and tyrannical control makes a person instinctively want to rebel and work just enough to keep you off their back. Praise and freedom instills a worker with company pride, loyalty and strengthens their work ethic.
Personally, I never take smoke breaks or any kind of typical break. I pretty much stay planted in front of my monitor all day minus refilling my coffee cup or making deposits in the bathroom. The closest thing I like to use as a break is a quick jump over to check my bank account, hurriedly see what new messages I have in Hotmail or check up briefly on Facebook. I used the words briefly, hurriedly and quick on purpose because I typically only "surf" for less than five minutes, tops. It breaks up the monotony of my day and keeps me semi-sane. You can only stare at a screen and do the same repetitive task for so long with out it wearing you down and burning you out. I could care less about smoking, so do as you please. But if you allow people to inhale cancer then why can't I have a moment of freedom online? Is your stance of promoting tobacco death more politically correct?
Companies should pride themselves on caring for their employees and treating them like the adults they are. People who don't want to work will always find a way to slack off with or without the web. Monitor an employees performance and judge them solely on that. Don't hate, appreciate.
"Short and unobtrusive breaks, such as a quick surf of the internet, enables the mind to rest itself, leading to a higher total net concentration for a days work, and as a result, increased productivity."
-Dr Brent Coker, from the Department of Management and Marketing
“If you can’t trust your employees, you have one of two problems. You are hiring the wrong people or you are not properly training the people you hire.”
-B.L. Ochman, author of the What’s Next blog
"I think it's (monitoring) incredibly unnecessary and intrusive. Ultimately, I have always felt I'm most productive when Big Brother isn't looking over my shoulder, and someday companies may learn this as well. As long as you finish you work in a way that shows quality in a timely manner, why do you have to be monitored along the way? Who cares if you slack off and play Doom for an hour or two if you can finish an assignment in less time than the guy next to you?"
-Steve Mizrach, former University of Florida Anthropology Department Webmaster
Want to know more about the war on blocking and filtering?
Check out these links:
Should Your Employer Stop Blocking?
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Prankster. Wicked. Ninja.
These terms of endearment I have been called on several occasions and all of which were spot on. Pulling pranks and pushing boundaries is what makes me grin from ear to ear. This random object helped me achieve a few choice giggles. Most people are wise to me and my treacherous ways but I can still slip in a few here and there. Even after this guy was discovered it was still fun to sit around with my buddies (namely Matt) and pass it back and forth shocking ourselves. So I suppose I know a few other descriptive terms that could easily be applied.
Bored. Weird. Dullard.
These terms of endearment I have been called on several occasions and all of which were spot on. Pulling pranks and pushing boundaries is what makes me grin from ear to ear. This random object helped me achieve a few choice giggles. Most people are wise to me and my treacherous ways but I can still slip in a few here and there. Even after this guy was discovered it was still fun to sit around with my buddies (namely Matt) and pass it back and forth shocking ourselves. So I suppose I know a few other descriptive terms that could easily be applied.
Bored. Weird. Dullard.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Poor, poor Candyman. This sad soul, tortured and murdered by wealthy slave owners just never gets a break. The infamous Chicago high-rises of Cabrini-Green where he used to visit families was finally vacated this week. Come February, the last of the buildings will be demolished.
I am personally appalled by the treatment of one of our nations icons. Candyman will now be forced to float from mirror to mirror in hopes of finding new supporters. Did he get a list of where all the previous Cabrini-Green residents were relocated to? Don't they know he needs their support to continue on his quest? Will the city of Chicago offer him a voucher to relocate to a new housing facility? I think our forefathers crimes of cutting off his hand and then slathering his body in honey so as to be stung to death by bees was enough. When will his suffering end?
Even after all this, I have faith in Candyman's strength of will. He is a proud and tenacious man, focused on his dreams and ambitions. One day he will find a new place to call home but until then, keep believing and frequent those mirrors. Sweets to the sweet Candyman.
I am personally appalled by the treatment of one of our nations icons. Candyman will now be forced to float from mirror to mirror in hopes of finding new supporters. Did he get a list of where all the previous Cabrini-Green residents were relocated to? Don't they know he needs their support to continue on his quest? Will the city of Chicago offer him a voucher to relocate to a new housing facility? I think our forefathers crimes of cutting off his hand and then slathering his body in honey so as to be stung to death by bees was enough. When will his suffering end?
Even after all this, I have faith in Candyman's strength of will. He is a proud and tenacious man, focused on his dreams and ambitions. One day he will find a new place to call home but until then, keep believing and frequent those mirrors. Sweets to the sweet Candyman.
Monday, November 29, 2010
As I was shadowing Nicky while she shoe shopped this past weekend, I kept making guttural noises at all the crappy shoes that we found. That's when it hit me, I don't like bows. It's like designers don't know what to do and just slap a goofy bow on there when out of ideas. Now I'm not talking about your standard bow knot as in shoe laces. More often than not, these crap wads of material are only found on female goods. I'll cover as many as I can but I apologize ladies if I'm crapping all over your horribly accented wardrobe.
- Shoes: Nothing screams female dork like a bow on your shoes.
- Bow Tie: This has got to be one of the worst male outfit accessories ever. Be it worn by a male stripper, clown or a waiter, you look like a douche. Yes, even in a tux... unless your 007... which you are not. So along with tossing the tie at your next formal event, stop spouting lines in your horrible British accent and acting like your finger is a gun.
- Nightie/Stockings: Libido killers. Looks cheesy and it won't help you reclaim your virginal innocence so let your man gnaw them off you.
- Wedding/Formal/Casual Dress: Of all the impressions you want to leave with people, bow bimbo is not one I would recommend.
- Lapel Pins: Pick a symbol, design or slogan and make a real statement.
- Present/Gift: Really, it's just a waste of material. I just want what's inside damn it so stop adding to the ever growing consumer waste issue.
- Hat: This is only acceptable if you're sporting a classic themed outfit where you're dressed as a flapper or something.
- Hair of a Little Girl: This is the only one that is borderline. But remember, sticking one in the hair of your bratty daughter doesn't help her not suck.
- Hair of a Teen: You are probably last picked for prom. Take that dumb thing off your head and you might not have to date droolers.
- Hair of a Woman: You look the most ridiculous of all. Let go of your wasted youth and make better fashion choices.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
It's Thanksgiving and in honor of "turkey" day I figured I would show you what I eat for my feast. Tofurky bee-yotch! I love this stuff. This little box not only comes with my turkey substitute but mushroom gravy, jerky sticks (for the wishbone), and a brownie. Mmmmm.
Now the word gross might pop into your mind when thinking of tofu. Well gross comes to my mind when I envision a rotting carcass in my stove. I will admit it isn't an exact clone of a cooked dead bird. But it's delicious in it's own right. If you understand that it is its own type of meal, not a replica and just enjoy the damn thing for what it is, then you'll be fine.
Anyways, happy Thanksgiving to you and yours from me and mine!
Now the word gross might pop into your mind when thinking of tofu. Well gross comes to my mind when I envision a rotting carcass in my stove. I will admit it isn't an exact clone of a cooked dead bird. But it's delicious in it's own right. If you understand that it is its own type of meal, not a replica and just enjoy the damn thing for what it is, then you'll be fine.
Anyways, happy Thanksgiving to you and yours from me and mine!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010
I have a small collection of about twenty to thirty masks. Form venetian carnival style to an assortment of gas masks and all from around the world. I haven't hung them up like I normally do, but I will. When I do, inevitably someone will ask, why masks? Let me explain.
I used to love the concept of the mask. You slip on a new visage of your choice and become someone totally different. Instantly, the rules of life change drastically. Your reservations and limitations are not the same as they used to be because you aren't you anymore. Anonymity lets us be free to act out.
At least with a physical mask on you can tell that wearer is not who they seem. The problem is we are all forced into a facade on a daily basis. Be it how we act our around our parents, play nice for the morons at work or even bite our tongues with our friends and lovers. If we were brutally honest we might be a happier people as a whole. Naturally it would sting to be told exactly what makes us suck. But then you have the choice to change for the better or tell everyone to kiss your ass because you like how you suck. That would clean up a lot of the bullshit we wade through. It gets so tiring living life to some degree as a fraud and swallowing down who you are and what you really feel.
We are pent up, this is true. But there are some people out there that can take the truth. A person that you can count on to not judge you and always accept who you are? A great friend, close relative or a significant other. Someone you are able to open up to and pour out the good and the bad and know that there is a kiss, hug or high five waiting at the end, no matter what. If you do have someone that fits the bill, go hug them immediately and tell them why they rock. If you have someone close but you still feel like you have to hide behind a mask now and again, try taking take it off. You might need to warn them first but just give it a shot. We all need someone true in our lives and we should all start being a little more honest, as scary as that is. Eventually, you will thank me for it.
I used to love the concept of the mask. You slip on a new visage of your choice and become someone totally different. Instantly, the rules of life change drastically. Your reservations and limitations are not the same as they used to be because you aren't you anymore. Anonymity lets us be free to act out.
At least with a physical mask on you can tell that wearer is not who they seem. The problem is we are all forced into a facade on a daily basis. Be it how we act our around our parents, play nice for the morons at work or even bite our tongues with our friends and lovers. If we were brutally honest we might be a happier people as a whole. Naturally it would sting to be told exactly what makes us suck. But then you have the choice to change for the better or tell everyone to kiss your ass because you like how you suck. That would clean up a lot of the bullshit we wade through. It gets so tiring living life to some degree as a fraud and swallowing down who you are and what you really feel.
We are pent up, this is true. But there are some people out there that can take the truth. A person that you can count on to not judge you and always accept who you are? A great friend, close relative or a significant other. Someone you are able to open up to and pour out the good and the bad and know that there is a kiss, hug or high five waiting at the end, no matter what. If you do have someone that fits the bill, go hug them immediately and tell them why they rock. If you have someone close but you still feel like you have to hide behind a mask now and again, try taking take it off. You might need to warn them first but just give it a shot. We all need someone true in our lives and we should all start being a little more honest, as scary as that is. Eventually, you will thank me for it.

Friday, November 19, 2010
The past few weeks have been very trying for me and like an old beloved friend, Tool has been there to comfort, guide, inspire and identify with me. This was not the first time they have filled me with fervor and it will definitely not be the last. They have been a solid force in my life for well over a decade. I think they just keep getting better and better with each CD too. I hate to use the word epic since it's so overdone these days, but it's one of the first words that comes to mind. Even though they only have four albums out, each have influenced me in more ways than I can relay in words or even fathom. I still get a vast range of emotions that swell up every time I crank one of their tunes. As hard as it is to choose just one, my favorite song would most likely be Eulogy but closely seconded by Sober.
This metal/progressive hard rock band takes you on a mind altering journey from the tear jerking melodic to gut shredding raw riff power. Each band member brings stellar musical prowess to the table with each and every track. Damn near all their songs are laced with precision, complexity and richly textured performances. In my eyes, they are pretty much the modern version of Pink Floyd. That's not a comparison I would lightly hand out either seeing as Floyd is in my top five bands of all time. Not just my personal favorite but I even think Maynard James Keenan is one the greatest vocalists ever ranking with the likes of Freddie Mercury, Robert Plant, David Bowie and Ronnie James Dio.
Deep and cynical lyrics, musical complexity and audio genius is not the end of what Tool offers. Their art and videos are always mind blowing and know no bounds. Dark, thought provoking and unforgettable, their videos are forever etched into my brain. Some might call them creepy, disturbing or just too weird but they are in a league of their own.
In the end, Tool is not just rock music, it's an experience. So I think it's needless to say I fucking love these guys. Now enjoy some official videos!
This metal/progressive hard rock band takes you on a mind altering journey from the tear jerking melodic to gut shredding raw riff power. Each band member brings stellar musical prowess to the table with each and every track. Damn near all their songs are laced with precision, complexity and richly textured performances. In my eyes, they are pretty much the modern version of Pink Floyd. That's not a comparison I would lightly hand out either seeing as Floyd is in my top five bands of all time. Not just my personal favorite but I even think Maynard James Keenan is one the greatest vocalists ever ranking with the likes of Freddie Mercury, Robert Plant, David Bowie and Ronnie James Dio.
Deep and cynical lyrics, musical complexity and audio genius is not the end of what Tool offers. Their art and videos are always mind blowing and know no bounds. Dark, thought provoking and unforgettable, their videos are forever etched into my brain. Some might call them creepy, disturbing or just too weird but they are in a league of their own.
In the end, Tool is not just rock music, it's an experience. So I think it's needless to say I fucking love these guys. Now enjoy some official videos!
Thursday, November 18, 2010
I picked this sucker up for 5 bones at a crappy gun show in downtown Norfolk, Virginia. It's been near my computer ever since. Why would I have a cored out hand grenade in my study?
- Weapons and military stuff are neat
- It's heavy and blunt making it a decent head splitting projectile in a pinch
- Good prop for costumes, shoots or sexcapades
- Nice to hide things in
- Kids love it!

Monday, November 15, 2010
As a part time video game nerd, I've noticed that most people dress their characters pretty outlandish and definitely quite different from how they dress their real persona. So why is that? We think that crazy hair and silly clothes are amazing when we fight aliens or battle the undead in our fantasies, games and movies. Then why in real life do we have to be so drab?
I came to realize this when I was building my character for Rock Band. Mohawk, check. Beard, check. Combat boots, ripped jeans, guerrilla style shirt, mirror shades... checks all around. That's when it hit me, I am pretty much exactly what I want to look like. Yes, that sounds really arrogant but it's pretty true. I'm not saying I'm attractive by any means, just that I dress how I damn well please. And I always have since I was a kid pretty much. From my MC Hammer baggies phase to the yellow John Lennon glasses I rocked to all the crazy hair colors I tried out. Go ahead, laugh all you want. At least I had the balls to do it!
Almost everyone else I know though makes themselves look nuts when not in the constraints of "normal" life. Kind of goes back to the whole matrix concept. Everyone in the matrix looked sleek, futuristic and oozed cool, while plugged in. They looked like ass in real life only because they were hiding from the machines. Thus they couldn't enjoy the consumers life like we do. So what's the hold up!? I just know there are tons of people out there that feel hindered on how they look.
What's there to be afraid of? Will your friends laugh at you? Will your family disown you? Will your significant other leave you? Those are all distinct possibilities indeed. But if they do they are just pent up fools that are afraid of change. They are probably jealous anyways. Hell, they might even start changing themselves once they see how free you are.
So I say strap on those spiked shoulder pads, paint those nails neon green, squirt into that form fitting vinyl, slip into your knee highs and neckerchief and of course sculpt that hair to the heavens. Be who you want and the rest be damned.
I came to realize this when I was building my character for Rock Band. Mohawk, check. Beard, check. Combat boots, ripped jeans, guerrilla style shirt, mirror shades... checks all around. That's when it hit me, I am pretty much exactly what I want to look like. Yes, that sounds really arrogant but it's pretty true. I'm not saying I'm attractive by any means, just that I dress how I damn well please. And I always have since I was a kid pretty much. From my MC Hammer baggies phase to the yellow John Lennon glasses I rocked to all the crazy hair colors I tried out. Go ahead, laugh all you want. At least I had the balls to do it!
Almost everyone else I know though makes themselves look nuts when not in the constraints of "normal" life. Kind of goes back to the whole matrix concept. Everyone in the matrix looked sleek, futuristic and oozed cool, while plugged in. They looked like ass in real life only because they were hiding from the machines. Thus they couldn't enjoy the consumers life like we do. So what's the hold up!? I just know there are tons of people out there that feel hindered on how they look.
What's there to be afraid of? Will your friends laugh at you? Will your family disown you? Will your significant other leave you? Those are all distinct possibilities indeed. But if they do they are just pent up fools that are afraid of change. They are probably jealous anyways. Hell, they might even start changing themselves once they see how free you are.
So I say strap on those spiked shoulder pads, paint those nails neon green, squirt into that form fitting vinyl, slip into your knee highs and neckerchief and of course sculpt that hair to the heavens. Be who you want and the rest be damned.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
This is a very special Random Object Thursday this week. It falls on a great day for the most beautiful girl on earth. This beautiful blue eyed little lady is my daughter Alexandria and it's her 7th birthday! In honor of my baby and her special day, I chose a random drawing from her collection. This is one she specifically drew so that I could hang it at work for everyone to admire. I brought it home for a day so I could shoot it on my fridge. But at work, all that pass by and notice get a boastful fathers story. Let me give you the short and skinny version.
We were both drawing one day and I asked if she could make me something special for me to display at my job. She was so excited by the fact that I could show her stuff off to others that she almost couldn't sit still. She really wanted it to be awesome so picking a concept was a little tough. I mean this was her first gallery hanging! We went back and forth thinking of ideas that she could draw since she was mentally drawing a blank. I spouted off tons of random ideas as I usually do and she settled on one, a dinosaur. Makes a fathers heart want to explode. The rain and blood running from it's face was a nice personalized touch indeed. There is definitely some of her pops in there!
We were both drawing one day and I asked if she could make me something special for me to display at my job. She was so excited by the fact that I could show her stuff off to others that she almost couldn't sit still. She really wanted it to be awesome so picking a concept was a little tough. I mean this was her first gallery hanging! We went back and forth thinking of ideas that she could draw since she was mentally drawing a blank. I spouted off tons of random ideas as I usually do and she settled on one, a dinosaur. Makes a fathers heart want to explode. The rain and blood running from it's face was a nice personalized touch indeed. There is definitely some of her pops in there!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010
I've been asked quite a lot lately if I have been working on any new art or have any projects brewing. As always, I do have plenty of ideas and blueprints for new pieces but they are currently all on hold. Let me explain a bit about why I've been on an art freeze without it sounding too much like bitching.
I got back to the land of Oz this March. That's over eight months of trying to adjust to Kansas again. But there has been a shadow just behind me, shrouding every step I take. Since I've returned though it's been one insane disaster after another. Multiple major car issues, legal crap, personal drama and a severe lack of monetary resources have been tugging on my creative kite string something serious. All these issues have restricted my ability to make new friends, contacts and search for good locations. Essentially, it bogs me down and when I do have free time I just want to relax and let me mind take a breather. All I've really done is spill my brains, guts and heart on this blog which has been quite therapeutic indeed.
But don't lose wear that long face yet. I refuse to let anyone or any issue yank my kite down permanently. It will never stop soaring and will only reach new heights. Hopefully 2011 will bring a brighter horizon to fly into. So keep you eyes peeled and check this blog often!
With that, much love to all my friends and all my friends to be.
I got back to the land of Oz this March. That's over eight months of trying to adjust to Kansas again. But there has been a shadow just behind me, shrouding every step I take. Since I've returned though it's been one insane disaster after another. Multiple major car issues, legal crap, personal drama and a severe lack of monetary resources have been tugging on my creative kite string something serious. All these issues have restricted my ability to make new friends, contacts and search for good locations. Essentially, it bogs me down and when I do have free time I just want to relax and let me mind take a breather. All I've really done is spill my brains, guts and heart on this blog which has been quite therapeutic indeed.
But don't lose wear that long face yet. I refuse to let anyone or any issue yank my kite down permanently. It will never stop soaring and will only reach new heights. Hopefully 2011 will bring a brighter horizon to fly into. So keep you eyes peeled and check this blog often!
With that, much love to all my friends and all my friends to be.
Monday, November 8, 2010
I try not to get my hopes up for movies anymore because most don't meet my expectations. Instead, I check out the trailer, go watch it if it seems not obviously like a bowl of dung, just have fun and try not pick it apart too terribly. I hate to say it though but I'm giddy as a school boy over Tron: Legacy. I already blogged about the movie but this time I want to drool about the soundtrack.
As I said in my previous Tron post, Daft Punk will be doing the soundtrack. I dig Daft Punk so after that blog I did some searching to find a bootleg copy of what's to come in the movie. What I found was pretty dope. So since I'm wrapped in "bad mother fucker" skin but filled with nerdy goo, I'm going to buy the soundtrack. I'm not just going to buy the standard edition though, I'm getting the advanced copy. They have a deluxe preorder version that comes with the CD, downloadable tracks and an exclusive 27" x 39" Daft Punk film poster. Check it out!

The white parts even glow in the freaking dark! The geek child in me is screaming like a thirteen year old girl at a boy band concert. It's obviously cool seeing as I made so many excited little kid references in this post. Tee hee!
As I said in my previous Tron post, Daft Punk will be doing the soundtrack. I dig Daft Punk so after that blog I did some searching to find a bootleg copy of what's to come in the movie. What I found was pretty dope. So since I'm wrapped in "bad mother fucker" skin but filled with nerdy goo, I'm going to buy the soundtrack. I'm not just going to buy the standard edition though, I'm getting the advanced copy. They have a deluxe preorder version that comes with the CD, downloadable tracks and an exclusive 27" x 39" Daft Punk film poster. Check it out!
The white parts even glow in the freaking dark! The geek child in me is screaming like a thirteen year old girl at a boy band concert. It's obviously cool seeing as I made so many excited little kid references in this post. Tee hee!
Friday, November 5, 2010
I was asked recently one of the most basic of questions. A questions that's figured out as early as we start becoming aware of our world and comprehending details. A question that every child has an immediate response to. What is your favorite color. Believe it or not, that question actually brings up one of my earliest bitter memories.
I was in kindergarten and we had to fill out little "about me" charts. One of which being the aforementioned question. So I gleefully scrawled my answers and impatiently awaited my turn to stand up and give my report. Working going down my list I finished with the color response.
"… and my favorite cartoon character is Batman. Um... and my favorite food is pizza and my favorite color is silver."
That's when the teacher spoke up in a booming voice.
"Oh no Chris, silver isn't a color. That's wrong and you can't pick that."
How could I be so wrong and why did I have to find out now in front of my peers? Could it all be a farce? I'm standing there in disbelief in front of my fellow classmates and panic mode sets in. Each of those little bastards like a ravenous jackal. Waiting for any weakness to exploit on the playground or in the halls. Giggling, squirming, tearing you apart with their eyes.
"Um… red I guess?" I squeaked timidly.
Red, my second favorite color. The same color that the chump next to me picked who later accused me of being a copy cat. But deep down in my little deviant heart, I knew better. I had a silver crayon at home! I learned that day that authority typed figures can and often are wrong. Thus, the seed of contempt for the powers that be was planted.
I was in kindergarten and we had to fill out little "about me" charts. One of which being the aforementioned question. So I gleefully scrawled my answers and impatiently awaited my turn to stand up and give my report. Working going down my list I finished with the color response.
"… and my favorite cartoon character is Batman. Um... and my favorite food is pizza and my favorite color is silver."
That's when the teacher spoke up in a booming voice.
"Oh no Chris, silver isn't a color. That's wrong and you can't pick that."
How could I be so wrong and why did I have to find out now in front of my peers? Could it all be a farce? I'm standing there in disbelief in front of my fellow classmates and panic mode sets in. Each of those little bastards like a ravenous jackal. Waiting for any weakness to exploit on the playground or in the halls. Giggling, squirming, tearing you apart with their eyes.
"Um… red I guess?" I squeaked timidly.
Red, my second favorite color. The same color that the chump next to me picked who later accused me of being a copy cat. But deep down in my little deviant heart, I knew better. I had a silver crayon at home! I learned that day that authority typed figures can and often are wrong. Thus, the seed of contempt for the powers that be was planted.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
First of all, let's get the fact that I still have a tape playing radio in my crap ass Blazer out of the way. Let me also acknowledge that I am very well aware that tape sucks. It can get warped, snagged, unspooled, melted, worn thin or of course eaten by a famished cassette deck. But I think the nostalgia of when tapes were the bomb is what keeps me holding on. That and the fact that my rolling money pit has a radio that doesn't pick up stations and only plays these archaic audio recordings. Now that we got that out of the way, on with today's Random Object Thursday!
I found this bad boy buried in milk crate in the back of a thrift store a couple weeks ago. As I was digging through the pile of discarded and forgotten compact cassettes, I honestly thought to myself "How awesome would it be to find some old school rap." Low and behold I noticed the unforgettable mean mug of Dr. Dre peeking out from behind some boring Christmas tunes. Excitedly I yanked that sucker out and there in my dirty little hands was The Chronic in all it's glory! Best part of it was the thrift store was only asking thirty eight freaking cents. Score!
I found this bad boy buried in milk crate in the back of a thrift store a couple weeks ago. As I was digging through the pile of discarded and forgotten compact cassettes, I honestly thought to myself "How awesome would it be to find some old school rap." Low and behold I noticed the unforgettable mean mug of Dr. Dre peeking out from behind some boring Christmas tunes. Excitedly I yanked that sucker out and there in my dirty little hands was The Chronic in all it's glory! Best part of it was the thrift store was only asking thirty eight freaking cents. Score!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010
The movie is Poltergeist. The day has been conquered by night and the family has fallen asleep with the TV on. The channel it displays airs it's goodnight video with the American flag and national anthem. That's when the dead whisper to the little blond girl for the first time.
Stop and think about what just happened, the cable station turned off. That's something the new generations won't ever see because stations don't go offline anymore. Our need to satisfy our cable fix twenty four hours a day has made that a thing of the past. Now we can get mesmerized and lulled into a mindless consumerist trance anytime we want. Hooray!
Just thought I would bring that up. Ah, the good old days.

Man, I love that movie.
Stop and think about what just happened, the cable station turned off. That's something the new generations won't ever see because stations don't go offline anymore. Our need to satisfy our cable fix twenty four hours a day has made that a thing of the past. Now we can get mesmerized and lulled into a mindless consumerist trance anytime we want. Hooray!
Just thought I would bring that up. Ah, the good old days.
Man, I love that movie.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
It's my favorite holiday, Halloween! So let the werewolves howl, demons wail and vampires screech. Turn your stereo up until you hear the rattling of the bones buried under your floorboards. I demand that you let your inner ghoul out to run amuck!
Here are five very random darker videos for you. Not especially creepy or disturbing but decent jams with a evil-esqe lyrical flavor. These aren't the greatest of videos either but it's more for the actual song. I didn't put any Manson, Tool, Aphex Twin, Misfits, NIN, Skinny Puppy, Ozzy or Rob Zombie as those are too obvious of choices for Halloween disturbing imagery. Though I love the song, I'm also NOT going to post Thriller as that's the most played out of them all.
Queens Of The Stone Age - Burn The Witch
Wednesday 13 - I Walked With A Zombie
Metric - Monster Hospital
The Ramones - Pet Sematary
Snoop Dogg - Murder Was The Case
Here are five very random darker videos for you. Not especially creepy or disturbing but decent jams with a evil-esqe lyrical flavor. These aren't the greatest of videos either but it's more for the actual song. I didn't put any Manson, Tool, Aphex Twin, Misfits, NIN, Skinny Puppy, Ozzy or Rob Zombie as those are too obvious of choices for Halloween disturbing imagery. Though I love the song, I'm also NOT going to post Thriller as that's the most played out of them all.
Queens Of The Stone Age - Burn The Witch
Wednesday 13 - I Walked With A Zombie
Metric - Monster Hospital
The Ramones - Pet Sematary
Snoop Dogg - Murder Was The Case
Friday, October 29, 2010
Reattach your ears and listen up you filthy corpses! There's a Halloween party tonight at my uncles place! Kegs… Bonfire… Costumes… Madness!!!
Starts today at 8:00pm and goes until we bodies go limp
Mark's House
5619 N. Sullivan
Wichita, KS
Dress up, bring your friends, your neighbors, the albino you keep chained in your basement. Extra liquor or beer is not a bad idea either with this many Garcia's in one place. So find a baby sitter, tell your boss to shove it and clear your schedule. No drama and all kinds of ass kicking spooky fun will be had. Spread the word and forward this open invite on!
P.S. Yes, I totally used a photo from this weeks Random Object Thursday to make this banner.
Starts today at 8:00pm and goes until we bodies go limp
Mark's House
5619 N. Sullivan
Wichita, KS
Dress up, bring your friends, your neighbors, the albino you keep chained in your basement. Extra liquor or beer is not a bad idea either with this many Garcia's in one place. So find a baby sitter, tell your boss to shove it and clear your schedule. No drama and all kinds of ass kicking spooky fun will be had. Spread the word and forward this open invite on!
P.S. Yes, I totally used a photo from this weeks Random Object Thursday to make this banner.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
The terror that Jason Voorhees wrought on Camp Crystal Lake was quite entertaining. I've always been a fan of his malicious handiwork. Slaughtering moronic douche bag dudes and mindless fake bimbos alike. Go team evil go!
Unfortunately, I can't go around impaling all the cretins of the world. It's illegal and with the amount of jackasses that keep breeding it would be quite tiring. So I just slide this baby on when I want to pull pranks or scare people. I've actually had this mask in my car since I was a junior in high school! Better to have it in the ride since you just never know when you might need to hop out and fuck with people. Muahahahahahaha!
Unfortunately, I can't go around impaling all the cretins of the world. It's illegal and with the amount of jackasses that keep breeding it would be quite tiring. So I just slide this baby on when I want to pull pranks or scare people. I've actually had this mask in my car since I was a junior in high school! Better to have it in the ride since you just never know when you might need to hop out and fuck with people. Muahahahahahaha!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010
I know I vented about a similar topic as this but I really need to vent again. The cycle of dick is knocking on my door once more.
Some people on this earth are just so misguided, ignorant and full of hate that they must reign their terror down on the "easiest" target possible without a care for the consequences. They have been hurt somehow, are filled with fear and unfortunately don't know how to properly channel that pain. Upon their furrowed brow rests their grudge like a crown and they are desperate to control what they can. Unable to forgive themselves or others, they forever sink deeper into malice. Misery loves company so they burn down as many peers as possible. Typically though, just lashing out in equal measure isn't enough. They multiply the grief given so as to actually derive some sick pleasure from their targets anguish and not just relief for their own.
The word insane comes to mind. Then the phrase "Why can't we all just get along" rides in behind it. But reason and accountability are tossed out the window for these poor brainwashed fools. They grasp onto whatever ammunition they can and aim for where it will hurt their victim most. It's sad, pathetic and childish. Beg and plead with facts and intellect all you want but they are like mindless rabid dogs. They won't stop until blood is flowing freely and your spirit is crushed.
I would love to see them change their deluded and hurtful ways. The problem is they are already adults, quite stuck in their muddy rut and are usually too thick-headed to even know the harm they are causing. Now keep in mind, I use the term adult very loosely as it only refers to there age. They lack a rational mentality, comprehension skills and the ability to properly interact with their feelings and others.
It all stems from bad parenting. Their parents were manipulative and soulless hog beasts who shaped their children in their twisted image. So the worthless and spiteful life skills these obtuse and malicious cretins reveled in were passed on. Then on down the line it goes as the kids eventually have offspring of their own. The poop torch just keeps on getting passed. It's worsened if these newest additions to the hate clan have their troll grandparents still active and pulling strings in their life. What's even more nauseating is if the hate monger causing all this drama used to supposedly care about you at some point in your lives. Which means there was a time when the pieces fit but now they just want to destroy the puzzle altogether. I don't want bad relationships with anyone, let alone someone I was once close to. Quite a nightmare and all I can say is, I feel sorry for the children whole really have no chance. This chaos is all they know making it seem like the proper way to act.
Stop the cycle of dick and dissolve the legacy of hostility, I beg of you. Not just for my sake so I can stop venting online but for future generations. Put down the club angry monkey, we are prehistoric no longer. Teach love because that, my friends, is all you need.
Some people on this earth are just so misguided, ignorant and full of hate that they must reign their terror down on the "easiest" target possible without a care for the consequences. They have been hurt somehow, are filled with fear and unfortunately don't know how to properly channel that pain. Upon their furrowed brow rests their grudge like a crown and they are desperate to control what they can. Unable to forgive themselves or others, they forever sink deeper into malice. Misery loves company so they burn down as many peers as possible. Typically though, just lashing out in equal measure isn't enough. They multiply the grief given so as to actually derive some sick pleasure from their targets anguish and not just relief for their own.
The word insane comes to mind. Then the phrase "Why can't we all just get along" rides in behind it. But reason and accountability are tossed out the window for these poor brainwashed fools. They grasp onto whatever ammunition they can and aim for where it will hurt their victim most. It's sad, pathetic and childish. Beg and plead with facts and intellect all you want but they are like mindless rabid dogs. They won't stop until blood is flowing freely and your spirit is crushed.
I would love to see them change their deluded and hurtful ways. The problem is they are already adults, quite stuck in their muddy rut and are usually too thick-headed to even know the harm they are causing. Now keep in mind, I use the term adult very loosely as it only refers to there age. They lack a rational mentality, comprehension skills and the ability to properly interact with their feelings and others.
It all stems from bad parenting. Their parents were manipulative and soulless hog beasts who shaped their children in their twisted image. So the worthless and spiteful life skills these obtuse and malicious cretins reveled in were passed on. Then on down the line it goes as the kids eventually have offspring of their own. The poop torch just keeps on getting passed. It's worsened if these newest additions to the hate clan have their troll grandparents still active and pulling strings in their life. What's even more nauseating is if the hate monger causing all this drama used to supposedly care about you at some point in your lives. Which means there was a time when the pieces fit but now they just want to destroy the puzzle altogether. I don't want bad relationships with anyone, let alone someone I was once close to. Quite a nightmare and all I can say is, I feel sorry for the children whole really have no chance. This chaos is all they know making it seem like the proper way to act.
Stop the cycle of dick and dissolve the legacy of hostility, I beg of you. Not just for my sake so I can stop venting online but for future generations. Put down the club angry monkey, we are prehistoric no longer. Teach love because that, my friends, is all you need.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Another day of staring blankly at your monitor. You pretend to give a shit about your trivial and pointless job, smiling for peers and higher ups as they make eye contact. As you fidget in your squeaky rolling chair and tuning out the pointless chatter around you, your mind drifts. The thought that you will be doing this for a third of your adult life fills your mouth with a sour taste. You sip your cheap coffee to wash it away and to help you from passing out on your keyboard from monotony. Go ahead and check that clock again. Eventually you will be released from your vocational tomb so you can spend your paltry paycheck. But with every button pushed, e-mail sent and click of the mouse you get a little bit more defeated. You know life is passing by and your dreams are dying.
How does a commoner break free and escape the almighty dollars firm grasp on their throat?
Use whatever talent you have and go for the big time. Act, sing, dance, paint, fight, whatever. It's dog eat dog, hard as hell, absorbs your life and the odds are against you. A butt ton of other people are trying to do that exact same thing right now and probably have a head start. Plus the masses are fickle and will tire of you so you really have to make your scrap of fame count.
Come up with a new idea or enhance an existing concept and bring it to life. Be it a world changing device that will revolutionize our society as we know it or the next big waste of money. Patent it and make your mark.
Try to tame the stock market. Sell real-estate, pan handle guns to old ladies or even smuggle and sell drugs. Claw, undermine, bullshit and rat your way out. Your morals and values will take a beating but who listens to their conscience anyways.
You play the idiot tax and pray that your numbers will line up. The chance of hitting a lucky lottery ticket are incredibly slim. But if you have hope and a dollar then keep on plugging in those birthday numbers or scratching away at those little silver shapes. Or you could just head for the casino. Psh.
Find a job that you actually like and succumb to the machine in your own way. Something that either fits your personality and desires or that makes you happy. Love animals? Be a vet or groomer. Love food? Go be a chef or food critic. Love video games? Go be a interactive designer or tester. You might counter that you already enjoy what you do for a living. Question is though, do you actually like your job or have you just been doing it so long that it's routine and easy.
The only option that is inevitable and doesn't factor in chance. Time won't detour from it's slow yet relentless assault on your rotting tissues. Your mind and body will be the deciding factor on when you are done tediously slaving away. When you are either too feeble or physically broken enough to work, you are discarded. But before you're cast aside you can save money, pay off debts and be frugal. Play it right and don't buy dumb shit you don't need.
So which is best? How the hell should I know?! I still work a white collar job and live from paycheck to paycheck. But even if I never wrestle loose, I hope you make it out of the box. One of us needs to truly live. Just be sure and send me a post card from Zihuatanejo.
How does a commoner break free and escape the almighty dollars firm grasp on their throat?
Use whatever talent you have and go for the big time. Act, sing, dance, paint, fight, whatever. It's dog eat dog, hard as hell, absorbs your life and the odds are against you. A butt ton of other people are trying to do that exact same thing right now and probably have a head start. Plus the masses are fickle and will tire of you so you really have to make your scrap of fame count.
Come up with a new idea or enhance an existing concept and bring it to life. Be it a world changing device that will revolutionize our society as we know it or the next big waste of money. Patent it and make your mark.
Try to tame the stock market. Sell real-estate, pan handle guns to old ladies or even smuggle and sell drugs. Claw, undermine, bullshit and rat your way out. Your morals and values will take a beating but who listens to their conscience anyways.
You play the idiot tax and pray that your numbers will line up. The chance of hitting a lucky lottery ticket are incredibly slim. But if you have hope and a dollar then keep on plugging in those birthday numbers or scratching away at those little silver shapes. Or you could just head for the casino. Psh.
Find a job that you actually like and succumb to the machine in your own way. Something that either fits your personality and desires or that makes you happy. Love animals? Be a vet or groomer. Love food? Go be a chef or food critic. Love video games? Go be a interactive designer or tester. You might counter that you already enjoy what you do for a living. Question is though, do you actually like your job or have you just been doing it so long that it's routine and easy.
The only option that is inevitable and doesn't factor in chance. Time won't detour from it's slow yet relentless assault on your rotting tissues. Your mind and body will be the deciding factor on when you are done tediously slaving away. When you are either too feeble or physically broken enough to work, you are discarded. But before you're cast aside you can save money, pay off debts and be frugal. Play it right and don't buy dumb shit you don't need.
So which is best? How the hell should I know?! I still work a white collar job and live from paycheck to paycheck. But even if I never wrestle loose, I hope you make it out of the box. One of us needs to truly live. Just be sure and send me a post card from Zihuatanejo.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
This little accessory made it's way back from the heart of Mexico City. My brother and I traveled there for Cinco de Mayo a few years ago. We had no hotel, map, compass or even real plans other than to see Teotihuacan. We eventually, after many other quests, ended up in the Plaza Mayor which was packed and alive with people, music and merchants. It was there from one of the little old locals that my brother and I purchased a matching pair, one for the each of us. Richard's broke at the airport on the way home though. I don't wear mine hardly ever anymore because I'm afraid it will end up like his. But every time I see it I think of the amazing adventure he and I went on south of the border.
But that is another story.
But that is another story.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010
I would love some feedback and suggestions about my blog.
What do you like?
What would you like to see more of?
What sucks?
Is it too personal?
Should I talk more about art as in mine and others?
Is it laid out well?
Is it honestly a waste of time?
Be blunt… I beg of you!
What do you like?
What would you like to see more of?
What sucks?
Is it too personal?
Should I talk more about art as in mine and others?
Is it laid out well?
Is it honestly a waste of time?
Be blunt… I beg of you!
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
When I was in grade school I had a run in with my babysitters moving van. The effect being that my front, top left, incisor, was chipped off about an eighth of an inch. Of course, my parents got it fixed with the modern miracle of dental bonding. But chipping the front tooth of a rough housing little bastard only led to the piece being knocked out many, many times. I would guess that my parents replaced it about 7 or 8 times while raising me. I still can't honestly figure out why they didn't just sack me up in burlap with a bowling ball and take me to the river.
Fast forward to this year. Upon getting into my car to move to Kansas at the end of February, it fell out again. Shockingly it wasn't a fight this time that knocked it loose, it just fell freaking out. I lived with that snaggle toothed grin for 6 months because I had no dental insurance. That's the problem with starting a new job. How mortifying and ego crushing is that though? I got to begin my fresh Kansas start with a jacked up smile and feeling like a hillbilly.
The high point of this story is that I went yesterday and got it fixed. I noticed on my way out of the office, down the elevator and into the parking lot, that I was grinning like the Cheshire Cat. I was sparking up conversations not just there but all the rest of the day just to gleam my newly repaired grill. I obviously felt a lot better.
It's kind of lame when you think about it though. I was so subconscious about a stupid tooth and probably always will be. My self esteem is so dependent on something as trivial as that. I was freaked out at job interviews, smiled different to everyone (including family) and I had even been pushing off meeting people for photo gigs because I was so embarrassed. Question is, how many people really even gave it a second thought.
Well it's fixed now, so piss on it. Vanity is obviously my favorite sin.
Fast forward to this year. Upon getting into my car to move to Kansas at the end of February, it fell out again. Shockingly it wasn't a fight this time that knocked it loose, it just fell freaking out. I lived with that snaggle toothed grin for 6 months because I had no dental insurance. That's the problem with starting a new job. How mortifying and ego crushing is that though? I got to begin my fresh Kansas start with a jacked up smile and feeling like a hillbilly.
The high point of this story is that I went yesterday and got it fixed. I noticed on my way out of the office, down the elevator and into the parking lot, that I was grinning like the Cheshire Cat. I was sparking up conversations not just there but all the rest of the day just to gleam my newly repaired grill. I obviously felt a lot better.
It's kind of lame when you think about it though. I was so subconscious about a stupid tooth and probably always will be. My self esteem is so dependent on something as trivial as that. I was freaked out at job interviews, smiled different to everyone (including family) and I had even been pushing off meeting people for photo gigs because I was so embarrassed. Question is, how many people really even gave it a second thought.
Well it's fixed now, so piss on it. Vanity is obviously my favorite sin.
Monday, October 18, 2010
I don't understand why people feel the need to toy with lip balm. It shouldn't tingle unless your lips are jacked up and you're using the medicated version of Chapstick. They also shouldn't taste like random stuff like bubblegum, root beer, muffins, strawberries, chihuahua feet, spark plugs or even six day old rotting monkey meat. When it tastes delicious I lick and suck it off which only makes your pucker flower worse.
You might be thinking it makes kissing someone taste good. This is true, but putting a donkey in a dress doesn't mean you should take it to the prom. If the person you are locking face sphincters with has that nasty tasting of lips then maybe you should reevaluate things a bit.
Moral of my rant is this, no one should have smelly, greasy, sparkly or flavored lips. Lipstick or even lip gloss is fine if you want to doll up a bit. Just stop infusing mouth rim goo with weird stuff. Thank you!
You might be thinking it makes kissing someone taste good. This is true, but putting a donkey in a dress doesn't mean you should take it to the prom. If the person you are locking face sphincters with has that nasty tasting of lips then maybe you should reevaluate things a bit.
Moral of my rant is this, no one should have smelly, greasy, sparkly or flavored lips. Lipstick or even lip gloss is fine if you want to doll up a bit. Just stop infusing mouth rim goo with weird stuff. Thank you!
Saturday, October 16, 2010
I found these guys about two years ago. Their songs jump around in style and type thus making them hard to classify in my opinion. But surprisingly the songs I like the most by them are the more bluegrass/country infused melodies. The one song that has officially weaseled its way into my tops of all time is Black River Killer. My second favorite tune by these eclectic chaps is Furr. Both have great lyrics and interesting videos to boot. Black River Killer's video though is just stellar. OK, enough talk... watch this shit!
A cold blooded cut-throat and werewolves?! Hell yes.
A cold blooded cut-throat and werewolves?! Hell yes.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
OK, I admit it. I have some deep seeded video game nerd tendencies within me. I don't play as often as I did in my youth but I still visit my old electronic life waster on occasion. One of my favorite games of all time was Fallout 3. I never played any of the predecessors but I will never miss any from here on out. Running around in a post apocalyptic DC wasteland where you can do whatever the hell you want? Blasting morons and zombies in the face with a multitude of weapons? Decked out like Mad Max? Sign me up!
I guess this lunch box came with some special edition of the game. That's not how I got this baby. I found it hidden amidst other random crap in a thrift store knickknack area. I bet most people wouldn't even know what the hell Vault-Tec is. Just so you know, it was the company in the game that created all the nuclear fallout shelters. You would find these lunch boxes strewn about the wasteland. They were pretty much worthless in the game but I sure do love mine.
I guess this lunch box came with some special edition of the game. That's not how I got this baby. I found it hidden amidst other random crap in a thrift store knickknack area. I bet most people wouldn't even know what the hell Vault-Tec is. Just so you know, it was the company in the game that created all the nuclear fallout shelters. You would find these lunch boxes strewn about the wasteland. They were pretty much worthless in the game but I sure do love mine.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010
First things first, I wear contacts. I have glasses too but rarely go outside with them on. Glasses get dirty, smudge, fog up, don't cover your whole range of view, can get broken, make it so you can't wear dope sunglasses and frankly they make me look kind of dorky. Yes, I am that vain.
Anyways, I went to finally get my vision tested so I could get new glasses and contacts. I was waiting until I got insurance so I wouldn't get punched in the wallet so hard. I hadn't thought about it but I haven't been fully tested since my nearly fatal head trauma two years ago last Sunday. I lost most of the vision in the center of my right eye (amongst other things) and never got it fully checked. The surgeons wanted to wait until most of my major surgeries were done.
So I got hooked up to all kinds of machines, layered in the eye, digital micro photographed… the works. It's took a few hours to jump through all the hoops. The outcome though shocked both the doc and myself. Though the damage is still there, my eye has actually gotten stronger to try and compensate and work around the black spot! My brain and eye muscles have kept strong and learned to deal and overcame it as best they could. So with all the tests they think I might be able to refine what I see out of the eye even more and not just have it be peripheral. Dopeness!
Just when I was thinking about switching to wearing a villainous eye patch all the time.
Anyways, I went to finally get my vision tested so I could get new glasses and contacts. I was waiting until I got insurance so I wouldn't get punched in the wallet so hard. I hadn't thought about it but I haven't been fully tested since my nearly fatal head trauma two years ago last Sunday. I lost most of the vision in the center of my right eye (amongst other things) and never got it fully checked. The surgeons wanted to wait until most of my major surgeries were done.
So I got hooked up to all kinds of machines, layered in the eye, digital micro photographed… the works. It's took a few hours to jump through all the hoops. The outcome though shocked both the doc and myself. Though the damage is still there, my eye has actually gotten stronger to try and compensate and work around the black spot! My brain and eye muscles have kept strong and learned to deal and overcame it as best they could. So with all the tests they think I might be able to refine what I see out of the eye even more and not just have it be peripheral. Dopeness!
Just when I was thinking about switching to wearing a villainous eye patch all the time.

Thursday, October 7, 2010
From the title of today's Random Object Thursday you might be thinking I took a snapshot of my wang and put it on display. Though tempting, I'm sorry to disappoint you. It's just an ice mold my friends.
I found this strange possession of mine at the local gag, costume and novelty store, Kay's This N' That. I have very fond memories of this store from when I was a wee naughty little boy. Trick gum, stink bombs, disgusting Halloween masks... it was a deviant child's heaven. Now that I'm an adult, I got to look behind the over eighteen curtain. But it really wasn't as taboo as I had imagined in my youth. Then again, this is a novelty store not a porn shop.
I just so happened to find this guy in the clearance section back there for a buck. What a steal! I slapped my dollar in the cashiers hand and made for the door. I couldn't wait to get home and serve someone a drink with a frozen dong bobbing up and down in it. Unfortunately, it's not meant to be served without it's plastic mold apparently. I tried everything I could to get that phallic ice chunk out of there just short of cutting off the mold around it. So now I know why it was in the discount area. It's just not that funny to put a cold dildo in someones drink. **sigh**
I found this strange possession of mine at the local gag, costume and novelty store, Kay's This N' That. I have very fond memories of this store from when I was a wee naughty little boy. Trick gum, stink bombs, disgusting Halloween masks... it was a deviant child's heaven. Now that I'm an adult, I got to look behind the over eighteen curtain. But it really wasn't as taboo as I had imagined in my youth. Then again, this is a novelty store not a porn shop.
I just so happened to find this guy in the clearance section back there for a buck. What a steal! I slapped my dollar in the cashiers hand and made for the door. I couldn't wait to get home and serve someone a drink with a frozen dong bobbing up and down in it. Unfortunately, it's not meant to be served without it's plastic mold apparently. I tried everything I could to get that phallic ice chunk out of there just short of cutting off the mold around it. So now I know why it was in the discount area. It's just not that funny to put a cold dildo in someones drink. **sigh**

Tuesday, October 5, 2010
I'm really diggin' the new Prodigy album Invaders Must Die. I missed it's original release but my good friend Matt turned me onto it last week. I think it's better than the last album (Always Outnumbered, Never Outgunned) and a throwback to their old style. My personal favorite is still the album Fat of the Land out of their entire discography. Then again, I like damn near everything Prodigy does. They always get my blood pumpin'.
Check out the 2nd track Omen off the new album. Dopeness.
Check out the 2nd track Omen off the new album. Dopeness.
Monday, October 4, 2010
Do you ever feel like your body is rebelling against you? I find random parts twitching on occasion, ears tuning out in the middle of conversations, limbs moving on their own, digits making odd gang signs randomly and of course my brain just turning off. It's much like Ash in the Evil Dead/Army of Darkness movies and I think I'm losing the war.
Just today I noticed that the inner corner of my eye was stinging. That's when I realized that my left hand was clutching my face. My index finger was slowing burrowing into my tear duct in some deluded attempt to poke my gray matter. Traitor!
Wait… fingers typing something… RESIST… on their own… THE BRAIN… can't stop them… KILL… help… KILL… ack!!!
Just today I noticed that the inner corner of my eye was stinging. That's when I realized that my left hand was clutching my face. My index finger was slowing burrowing into my tear duct in some deluded attempt to poke my gray matter. Traitor!
Wait… fingers typing something… RESIST… on their own… THE BRAIN… can't stop them… KILL… help… KILL… ack!!!
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Zombies are a very possible threat. One day our deceased human brethren could rise again to ravage the living. They will march across the Earth in an undead wave of destruction. Chaos will run rampant, order will dissolve and our pretentious society will succumb to our suppressed animal instincts. The end is nigh!
What can you do against such a horrific event? Steadfast your resolve and educate yourself by reading this book. It's informative, witty and very thorough. It's contents can actually be used for other catastrophic events too. It's good knowledge that everyone should have even if you don't buy into the impending walking corpse invasion. What weapons are the most practical, vehicles that should be considered, terrain comprehension... namely survival.
Plus, it's undead related so it obviously rocks. Hooray for zombies!
What can you do against such a horrific event? Steadfast your resolve and educate yourself by reading this book. It's informative, witty and very thorough. It's contents can actually be used for other catastrophic events too. It's good knowledge that everyone should have even if you don't buy into the impending walking corpse invasion. What weapons are the most practical, vehicles that should be considered, terrain comprehension... namely survival.
Plus, it's undead related so it obviously rocks. Hooray for zombies!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Everyone has had someone with "power" over them at some point in their lives, be it a teacher, boss, family member, etc. They, for whatever misguided reason, were undeservedly prickish at every turn. From that I learned that I didn't want to be an ass to others because I know how much it sucks. What happened to everyone else on Earth? Why are there so many rude, tyrannical, browbeating tormentors?
Funny thing is, I've had this conversation with people that complained about the same issue. But when they were given even the slightest bit of authority they transformed into a bile spewing ass chisel, exploding their senseless rage on everyone. When I questioned why they would stoop to such a level, their response was "I put up with shit so I earned the right to give it." Wrong answer fuck-tard! You earned the right to use your authority properly. You know, pay it forward?
Why do most people have to be pricks any chance they get? We have turned into a world of self serving, uncaring, jerk offs. I know life can be a bitch and shit happens, but come on people. If someone is an ass to you, just roll with the punches. Kill them with kindness. As Gandhi said "You must be the change you wish to see in the world." So be cool with everyone and break this perpetuating cycle of dick.
Thank you and have a nice day.
Funny thing is, I've had this conversation with people that complained about the same issue. But when they were given even the slightest bit of authority they transformed into a bile spewing ass chisel, exploding their senseless rage on everyone. When I questioned why they would stoop to such a level, their response was "I put up with shit so I earned the right to give it." Wrong answer fuck-tard! You earned the right to use your authority properly. You know, pay it forward?
Why do most people have to be pricks any chance they get? We have turned into a world of self serving, uncaring, jerk offs. I know life can be a bitch and shit happens, but come on people. If someone is an ass to you, just roll with the punches. Kill them with kindness. As Gandhi said "You must be the change you wish to see in the world." So be cool with everyone and break this perpetuating cycle of dick.
Thank you and have a nice day.
Friday, September 24, 2010
Pink Floyd, oh how I love that band. I was raised on them and they still reside in my top 3 bands of all time. They never get old and still evoke countless emotions when their tunes float through my brain. From kicking ass to chilling to turning on the tears. I still cry when I watch The Wall.
I only bring it up because today I was enjoying some different renditions of some of their hits on Grooveshark. I found symphonic, reggae, techno, string quartet and even lullaby versions! Some I had heard before and most were pretty damn good. The love for the Floyd is far and wide indeed. I was so taken by the lullaby adaptations that it makes me want to have a baby just so I can enrich his or her mind.
Know of any other dope versions? Shoot me links! Just don't shoot me that shit Limp Bizkit cover. They suck gopher nuts.
Here are a few (out of a butt ton) that I liked:
And for shits n' giggles…
I only bring it up because today I was enjoying some different renditions of some of their hits on Grooveshark. I found symphonic, reggae, techno, string quartet and even lullaby versions! Some I had heard before and most were pretty damn good. The love for the Floyd is far and wide indeed. I was so taken by the lullaby adaptations that it makes me want to have a baby just so I can enrich his or her mind.
Know of any other dope versions? Shoot me links! Just don't shoot me that shit Limp Bizkit cover. They suck gopher nuts.
Here are a few (out of a butt ton) that I liked:
And for shits n' giggles…
Thursday, September 23, 2010
I'm a fan of buttons... big time. It's a way to scream a statement without saying a word to anyone. They're like little badges of pride. Kind of turns you into a walking billboard though.
I have a ton and it's still not enough. I don't even wear them all. But this one in particular is probably one of my favorites and I have worn the hell out of it. It's simple, monochrome, bold and proclaims my dislike for sitting in front of the boob tube for endless hours like most of the populace. Now I do play video games and rent movies. My retort is that a flick has a set time frame and I can only play video games for so long. So there.
That shit is mind numbing anyways. Now every time I go to someones house who has cable I sit in disgust of all the crap that's being hammered into society. It's completely brainwashing and lulling you into a lethargic state of docility. Think of how many commercial jingles you know! Consume. Breed. Smile. Repeat.

P.S. You'll probably being seeing lots of my beloved buttons as the years tick by.
I have a ton and it's still not enough. I don't even wear them all. But this one in particular is probably one of my favorites and I have worn the hell out of it. It's simple, monochrome, bold and proclaims my dislike for sitting in front of the boob tube for endless hours like most of the populace. Now I do play video games and rent movies. My retort is that a flick has a set time frame and I can only play video games for so long. So there.
That shit is mind numbing anyways. Now every time I go to someones house who has cable I sit in disgust of all the crap that's being hammered into society. It's completely brainwashing and lulling you into a lethargic state of docility. Think of how many commercial jingles you know! Consume. Breed. Smile. Repeat.

P.S. You'll probably being seeing lots of my beloved buttons as the years tick by.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Someone asked me recently what I listen to when I work on my art. That all depends on my location. If I'm shooting in the field, probably nothing. If I'm snapping away in the studio, something lively and that you can groove too like Pretty Lights, Goldfrapp or Daft Punk. When I'm working at my computer editing photos, working on an illustration or doing some other Mac magic, it can really vary depending on mood. Typically though I listen to the more post-rock style of music which is for the most part instrumental.
A few of the post-rock bands on my iTunes "zone out" playlist are Kwoon, Sigur Rós, Mogwai, Godspeed You! Black Emperor and Explosions in the Sky. A well played couple of staples on that playlist that wiggled their way in are BT's This Binary Universe and the score from The Fountain. Now all of these are eclectic, ambient and probably not something you would hear on mainstream radio but great to let your mind wander to.
I really love Kwoon. I ship all their cd's directly from the band themselves in France. It's a little costly but it's supports them which makes it worth while. This is from their first album Tales & Dreams.
Next up is the track I dig the most from This Binary Universe by BT. You might want to skip to about a minute and a half into the video as this song has to warm up a bit.
Finally is my personal favorite amidst the many great songs by Sigur Rós entitled Glósóli.
Oh and don't play all of these at once unless you want your head to explode... or you have robot ears.
A few of the post-rock bands on my iTunes "zone out" playlist are Kwoon, Sigur Rós, Mogwai, Godspeed You! Black Emperor and Explosions in the Sky. A well played couple of staples on that playlist that wiggled their way in are BT's This Binary Universe and the score from The Fountain. Now all of these are eclectic, ambient and probably not something you would hear on mainstream radio but great to let your mind wander to.
I really love Kwoon. I ship all their cd's directly from the band themselves in France. It's a little costly but it's supports them which makes it worth while. This is from their first album Tales & Dreams.
Next up is the track I dig the most from This Binary Universe by BT. You might want to skip to about a minute and a half into the video as this song has to warm up a bit.
Finally is my personal favorite amidst the many great songs by Sigur Rós entitled Glósóli.
Oh and don't play all of these at once unless you want your head to explode... or you have robot ears.
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