Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Everyone has had someone with "power" over them at some point in their lives, be it a teacher, boss, family member, etc. They, for whatever misguided reason, were undeservedly prickish at every turn. From that I learned that I didn't want to be an ass to others because I know how much it sucks. What happened to everyone else on Earth? Why are there so many rude, tyrannical, browbeating tormentors?

Funny thing is, I've had this conversation with people that complained about the same issue. But when they were given even the slightest bit of authority they transformed into a bile spewing ass chisel, exploding their senseless rage on everyone. When I questioned why they would stoop to such a level, their response was "I put up with shit so I earned the right to give it." Wrong answer fuck-tard! You earned the right to use your authority properly. You know, pay it forward?

Why do most people have to be pricks any chance they get? We have turned into a world of self serving, uncaring, jerk offs. I know life can be a bitch and shit happens, but come on people. If someone is an ass to you, just roll with the punches. Kill them with kindness. As Gandhi said "You must be the change you wish to see in the world." So be cool with everyone and break this perpetuating cycle of dick.

Thank you and have a nice day.

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