Tuesday, August 10, 2010


On Facebook today, my good friend Kat had an update saying "If men gave us woman as much attention as a Playstation we would be constantly satisfied". I do agree but it really made me think about the other side of the argument. Also, I'm not limiting this to only Playstation or even video games in general. I kinda think of it more as automatous forms of entertainment.

The Artificial Pluses:
-One push of a button and it's ready to make you smile.
-It never tires.
-It never lies.
-It will give you happiness at anytime, day or night.
-It's up for quickies.
-It role plays a billion different personalities.
-If you don't like something you can easily upgrade to make it fit your needs.
-It doesn't talk back or nag or yell or cry to get it's way.
-It doesn't hold a grudge or bring up billion year old crap just to try and win an argument.
-It won't cheat on you but will gladly have orgies with your friends.
-It won't leave you randomly after years of love but totally won't care if you do.
-It won't yell or nag at you.
-It's doesn't have a core of reason surrounded by a sea of emotional land mines.

The Intimate Companion Pluses:
-It will have sex with you.

So in the end, the girls win but man what a fight! Mark my words girlies, one day there will be cyborgs or pleasure bots or something like that and they will have sex with us. On that day women, beware.

Note: This also applies to same sex or whatever sex partners you might have. Booyah.


  1. While playing 'Heavy Rain' I greatly enjoyed a part of the story where I got to control how the rather fit young woman on screen took her shower... Games are catching up ladies

  2. but no matter what it wonlt replace the REAL thing... just saying we are light years away of being replaced


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