Monday, November 15, 2010


As a part time video game nerd, I've noticed that most people dress their characters pretty outlandish and definitely quite different from how they dress their real persona. So why is that? We think that crazy hair and silly clothes are amazing when we fight aliens or battle the undead in our fantasies, games and movies. Then why in real life do we have to be so drab?

I came to realize this when I was building my character for Rock Band. Mohawk, check. Beard, check. Combat boots, ripped jeans, guerrilla style shirt, mirror shades... checks all around. That's when it hit me, I am pretty much exactly what I want to look like. Yes, that sounds really arrogant but it's pretty true. I'm not saying I'm attractive by any means, just that I dress how I damn well please. And I always have since I was a kid pretty much. From my MC Hammer baggies phase to the yellow John Lennon glasses I rocked to all the crazy hair colors I tried out. Go ahead, laugh all you want. At least I had the balls to do it!

Almost everyone else I know though makes themselves look nuts when not in the constraints of "normal" life. Kind of goes back to the whole matrix concept. Everyone in the matrix looked sleek, futuristic and oozed cool, while plugged in. They looked like ass in real life only because they were hiding from the machines. Thus they couldn't enjoy the consumers life like we do. So what's the hold up!? I just know there are tons of people out there that feel hindered on how they look.

What's there to be afraid of? Will your friends laugh at you? Will your family disown you? Will your significant other leave you? Those are all distinct possibilities indeed. But if they do they are just pent up fools that are afraid of change. They are probably jealous anyways. Hell, they might even start changing themselves once they see how free you are.

So I say strap on those spiked shoulder pads, paint those nails neon green, squirt into that form fitting vinyl, slip into your knee highs and neckerchief and of course sculpt that hair to the heavens. Be who you want and the rest be damned.


  1. To be fair, some folks just want to dabble in their crazy fantasies in the virtual realm *because* there are no repercussions there, and because they don't want to do it in real life. Case in point: whenever possible in role-playing games, I'll play as a female character - not because I actually want to be a girl in real life (kinda like my man-parts and such), but because a) modern RPGs don't assign stat penalties for playing as a chick, and more importantly, b) if I'm going to be staring at a character on a screen for 30+ hours, I much prefer watching a girl lobbing mini-nukes at a super mutant or blasting away at the zombie scum on screen.

    In terms of real-world dressing, it is also quite a bit more difficult to get away with "crazy" attire in most professional settings. Even if your boss is cool with it (one of mine was, but most weren't), there are also the inevitable client meetings and such that require a more restrained look. Hell, at one place I worked, the HR folks got all pissy about my attire because I occasionally walked around with my shirts untucked, and would habitually stick a cigarette behind my ear when headed outside for a smoke break (old habit from, well, a long time ago that I haven't broken). Which is not to say, of course, that I didn't let loose when I got home, but sometimes, the job requires one to adopt the typical uniform. That, of course, did not stop me from complaining about it every chance I got, though.

  2. I don't dress like I would in a video game because in games I like to be that shadowy figure in a black hooded cloak. The guy that sneaks up and stabs you when your not looking. In real life I would most likely be arrested for looking like that (especially at night). But as far as hair I like the buzz cut look and feel and keep it real in that case =P


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