Wednesday, November 24, 2010


I have a small collection of about twenty to thirty masks. Form venetian carnival style to an assortment of gas masks and all from around the world. I haven't hung them up like I normally do, but I will. When I do, inevitably someone will ask, why masks? Let me explain.

I used to love the concept of the mask. You slip on a new visage of your choice and become someone totally different. Instantly, the rules of life change drastically. Your reservations and limitations are not the same as they used to be because you aren't you anymore. Anonymity lets us be free to act out.

At least with a physical mask on you can tell that wearer is not who they seem. The problem is we are all forced into a facade on a daily basis. Be it how we act our around our parents, play nice for the morons at work or even bite our tongues with our friends and lovers. If we were brutally honest we might be a happier people as a whole. Naturally it would sting to be told exactly what makes us suck. But then you have the choice to change for the better or tell everyone to kiss your ass because you like how you suck. That would clean up a lot of the bullshit we wade through. It gets so tiring living life to some degree as a fraud and swallowing down who you are and what you really feel.

We are pent up, this is true. But there are some people out there that can take the truth. A person that you can count on to not judge you and always accept who you are? A great friend, close relative or a significant other. Someone you are able to open up to and pour out the good and the bad and know that there is a kiss, hug or high five waiting at the end, no matter what. If you do have someone that fits the bill, go hug them immediately and tell them why they rock. If you have someone close but you still feel like you have to hide behind a mask now and again, try taking take it off. You might need to warn them first but just give it a shot. We all need someone true in our lives and we should all start being a little more honest, as scary as that is. Eventually, you will thank me for it.

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