Tuesday, November 9, 2010


I've been asked quite a lot lately if I have been working on any new art or have any projects brewing. As always, I do have plenty of ideas and blueprints for new pieces but they are currently all on hold. Let me explain a bit about why I've been on an art freeze without it sounding too much like bitching.

I got back to the land of Oz this March. That's over eight months of trying to adjust to Kansas again. But there has been a shadow just behind me, shrouding every step I take. Since I've returned though it's been one insane disaster after another. Multiple major car issues, legal crap, personal drama and a severe lack of monetary resources have been tugging on my creative kite string something serious. All these issues have restricted my ability to make new friends, contacts and search for good locations. Essentially, it bogs me down and when I do have free time I just want to relax and let me mind take a breather. All I've really done is spill my brains, guts and heart on this blog which has been quite therapeutic indeed.

But don't lose wear that long face yet. I refuse to let anyone or any issue yank my kite down permanently. It will never stop soaring and will only reach new heights. Hopefully 2011 will bring a brighter horizon to fly into. So keep you eyes peeled and check this blog often!

With that, much love to all my friends and all my friends to be.

1 comment:

  1. Look at it this way, brother. It takes us music fiends anywhere from 6 months to several years (how long has it taken Dr. Dre to get Detox finished? We're at 8 years, still counting...) to get our work done. Don't beat yourself up, my friend. The shit takes time, and life, as obnoxious as it tends to be, gets in the way of us doing what we TRULY want to do, which is create.

    We're in your corner whenever you need us.


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