Friday, February 4, 2011


Recently, I was questioned about and essentially chastised for my idolization of Ernesto Guevara, better known as "Che". I figured in response, I should give a little explanation of why I look fondly upon this hero to some and villain to others. I've read his book and done a lot of research on him over the years, but this isn't an in-depth exposé, just a quick justification.

To start from the beginning, I first took interest in Che because he was used as an icon by one of my all time favorite bands, Rage Against The Machine. They vocalize the disdain for corporate America, racial injustices and the governmental strangulation of the people. Hence, if they found him inspiring then I figured he might just be worth looking into. Upon researching deeper into Guevara, I found that he stood for more leftist views by means of revolution. This instantly aligned him with my own philosophical anarchist and egalitarian theologies. He stood against his governments regime and helped topple it. He was, namely in his youth, an idealist who wanted to liberate the poor and he desired equality for all his people. Who doesn't want unity, balance and a fair government that judges for moral reasons rather than material?

Unfortunately, he was far from a saint. He used brutality, force and murder to achieve his goals later in his career. When it comes to militant revolution and guerrilla warfare, there really is no other way to succeed. He destroyed a standing way of order in Cuba to usher in a whole new set of economic woes. But really, the majority of the leaders around the world have done the same thing.

Essentially he was the essence of duality. I think that also lends to his appeal, as we all struggle constantly with good, evil, right, wrong and to fight back or turn the other cheek. No one is perfect, so picking a leader that is without fault is impossible. I chose Che as an role model because he embodies the spirit of the struggle for freedom and essence of revolution. I like best how Frantz Fanon described him; "The world symbol of the possibilities of one man."

1 comment:

  1. You chose Che because you think he's cool imbecile! no other reason. You are obviiously a spoiled individual with nothing to do but create havoc in the world.


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